I've posted on here on and off before about work-related burnout over the last couple of years. Starting to feel as if I'm ready to give in to it soon. Had an unbelievably stressful year, and 2017 was not great either. Had a serious injury (twisted testicle FFS) that needed emergency surgery back in Dec last year which led to quite a bad bout of anxiety which came up as a reaction to that. Had 7 weeks off work after the op and then came back into a real difficult situation at work. At just the time when I needed stability there so I could focus on recovering from the health issues. To cut a long story short the most senior manager in the team wants to restructure a bit and move me into another team into a new role at a similar level. As well as moving someone else into my role who had previously been reporting to me. He didn't inform us all at the same time. I may well have been the last to find out, which led to a couple of humiliating situations that knocked my confidence a lot. The manager of the team I'm moving to doesn't seem to buy into the changes so is no hurry to get me set up and integrated in the new team. I kind of sympathise with him. He's had it dumped on him. But consequently I'm sort of in limbo, not really in any team properly, picking up scraps of work here and there. No objectives set for 2018 and its September already. It kind of leads me to feel that no one is arsed whether I'm there or not. Which is kind of a first world problem I guess but not a good situation to be in for a human being I don't think.
The worst was in June-July where for 4 weeks I was only sleeping 4 hours a night even at weekends. It's improved since then and I thought I had a handle on it. I was starting to get some plans together to get out of there and was feeling quite optimistic and I thought I'd found a way to not let things bother me. Then all of a sudden last weekend this low mood came over me. I was back home because my Dad had tickets for the test match so it should've been an enjoyable weekend but I just felt depressed and I don't know exactly why. I remember waking up having had some kind of dream about work, maybe that caused it. I also caught myself in the mirror and couldn't believe how old I look compared to before the op. It shocks me sometimes. Big black swollen bags under my eyes.
Ended up getting myself signed off sick on Weds. My GP had been recommending taking a couple of weeks off for a while, as did a counsellor I've been seeing. I'll probably get myself signed off next week too. It felt good in a way to go off, like I was taking my life back into my own hands and out of the hands of these managers. But it also feels strange when physically I'm capable of working. My GP told me to go out as much as poss, get exercise, meet friends, do fun stuff which I'm doing but there's a constant worry I'll get spotted. I don't know whether to tell the truth to my managers or whether to keep quiet. I'm scared that if I own up to being burnt out/depressed I'll get blackmarked or something. And equally if I don't own up I'm worried I'll be marked as a trouble maker bunking off work when he feels like it.
Also, if I'm being honest with myself I need to get out of there. It's just scary as the conditions are very good (financially at least) and I'm worried it might not improve my stress levels if I just leave, that it would feel like jumping into an abyss. I've got enough saved up to be able to quit without having anything lined up and take a break for a while, but still it's scary.
Anyway, I've gone on quite a bit. Just wanted to get it off my chest, and just fishing for some positive/encouraging comments I guess