This is heartbreaking, mate, and I wouldn’t wish it on anyone. My lads are too young for me to have any real clue what you’re facing with a teenager but I think you have no choice but to just keep trying with her - Think Roberto Martinez’s Everton! All-out attack and let the chips fall where they may...
@anjelikaferrett gave some good advice - Acknowledge the age gap and that you’re not necessarily interested in the same things she is, but you’re willing to learn. Send her messages explaining that you’re not great at talking face-to-face but that you love her and you want to do whatever it takes to build the relationship back up. Prepare yourself for the fact that you might get a snotty reply or maybe none at all but keep trying in any case.
If she’s into her Disney but cash is an issue, ask friends or family (or the forum!) if they have any DVDs you could borrow and have them on hand for when she visits. Again, might not do the trick entirely, but shows that you’re making the effort.
I’d also echo what a few others have said. It WILL get better; I’m sure most or all of us can remember being stroppy teens and that we were unrecognisable then from even just a few years later as people. When the dust settles, she’ll see her poor, old, long-suffering Dad still battling away for her affection and realise how lucky she is that you didn’t give up on her.
Good luck, mate.