Discussion & help on depression & mental health related issues

Trying to look after myself a little bit more, i'm so tired of beating myself up and destroying what little self esteem i have. Invested a few things i've always wanted to buy/do and i hope it pays off. I never buy or spend anything on myself, and have always given it away or spent it on others.

No more.

I get terrible guilt for doing stuff for myself. Same with saying no to people.

Good for you!

got my first ever session in two days, taken so much hard work to get to this point. Don't know what to expect.

I took myself off to counselling about 3 years ago because I was in a really well paying job with a good company that looked after me, living in a great city and I was bloody miserable. I should add that I was bloody lucky that I could afford to pay the €40 every couple of weeks.

In a way it must have worked, because I'm not in that job any more, actively planning a career change to something that feels even a little bit meaningful and divorced (by choice). If nothing else, observing your thought patterns and how they effect you is fascinating. I never had myself down as somebody who sabotaged themselves at every waking moment, for example, but realising that gave me a lot of awareness of when I was doing it.

NB I'm still proper bad for it but getting better.
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Trying to look after myself a little bit more, i'm so tired of beating myself up and destroying what little self esteem i have. Invested a few things i've always wanted to buy/do and i hope it pays off. I never buy or spend anything on myself, and have always given it away or spent it on others.

No more.
Lends a score bry

Trying to look after myself a little bit more, i'm so tired of beating myself up and destroying what little self esteem i have. Invested a few things i've always wanted to buy/do and i hope it pays off. I never buy or spend anything on myself, and have always given it away or spent it on others.

No more.
Well Bryan, I do quite enjoy reading your post on other threads. Each post people bring on here insightful, funny, knob head post... they all brighten my day. Just do you man. Seems like you have a solid plan and progressing to your goals. If you need anything, just let me know. Happy to help, talk, anything.
and you mentioned exercise on the 16th I believe. What kind of exercise you do?
Well Bryan, I do quite enjoy reading your post on other threads. Each post people bring on here insightful, funny, knob head post... they all brighten my day. Just do you man. Seems like you have a solid plan and progressing to your goals. If you need anything, just let me know. Happy to help, talk, anything.
and you mentioned exercise on the 16th I believe. What kind of exercise you do?
Just swimming up to now. Thats all i can muster tbh. but its 100% upgrade on my previous of 0%.
just a quick update on current situation .. im about 4 weeks (its hard to keep track of exact number of weeks) in to being back on 20mg of citalopram and im feeling much much much more myself

the nitemares have subsided a little bit too.

looking back I should of come off the fluexitene much quicker.

I was verging on being suicidal and a couple of times had sent very odd texts to people.

id never had that before.

just glad to be feeling back to normal(ish)
I don't know exactly the nature of the last few comments on counselling but if it's of interest to anyone here's my tuppence worth.
Since self referring some sixteen or so weeks ago, I have had three face to face sessions with a counsellor who is attempting to ease my acute anxiety. If I'm honest, I didn't really have any fears about opening up to essentially a complete stranger about my issues. I put my faith in the guy having the professional werewithall to understand my problems.
The guy I'm seeing is ex services and just has a natural gift to immediately put you at ease. You take things at your pace and are never forced into a corner to cone up with answers. Between sessions I have been given work sheets to complete and they themselves are a massive help. I was told from the outset that maybe six sessions would ge enough and that seems to be a reasonable shout. I am asked to complete the PHQ9 GAD7 and Phobia scales in at each attendance which all demonstrate improvements.
In short then, don't be concerned you're in capable hands.

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