Discussion & help on depression & mental health related issues

from reading a lot of your posts I think you tend to worry quite a lot , and most of the time its over little things that don't actually mean all that much at the end of the day... I used to worry about miniscule stuff and eat my own head to bits, its horrible and hard to stop it.

ive found the meds have helped quite abit with this.

I hope im not totally off the mark here @COYBL25

The meds help reset your brain and help you get back to a normal emotional state.

However I found with some of them that they stopped you feeling anything at all, almost like you were in constant neutral.
The meds help reset your brain and help you get back to a normal emotional state.

However I found with some of them that they stopped you feeling anything at all, almost like you were in constant neutral.

I defo lack motivation to do ANYTHING at all..

thats why I decided on a complete career change. get and do something I actually enjoy, driving, I love it always have , always wanted to do the hgv course and now ive actually got round to doing it.

im hoping that the career change will help me get back on track financially and then I can move on with my life again.

at the moment in just stagnating really.
had an appointment at the docs today but cancelled it due to the fact im already feeling much more myself back on citalopram..

the nightmares seem to have subsided ... still get weird dreams but nowt like the horrors before.

im actually chomping at the bit to get to October 18th and the start of my hgv learner driving ..

I need something to focus on, I feel once I pass this test (all being well ) then I can ease myself back into work and some normality. I will sign up for an agency and do a few days here and there to start with. I don't want the pressure of a fulltime job straight off the bat, it would just be way too much pressure, which I don't cope well with..

all in all, im back on track after a disasterus couple of months

I’ve got a mate who does agency work.

You need to be available all the time to start with or the agencies just stop using you,

He has a virtual full time job now with one firm doing night runs from Liverpool docks to Hull docks.

Bring on the agency suits him, as he can take the off night off when he feels like it, plus the money is better.

However he gets no holiday of sick pay.
I’ve got a mate who does agency work.

You need to be available all the time to start with or the agencies just stop using you,

He has a virtual full time job now with one firm doing night runs from Liverpool docks to Hull docks.

Bring on the agency suits him, as he can take the off night off when he feels like it, plus the money is better.

However he gets no holiday of sick pay.

im used to the no holiday and sick pay, ive been self employed for 20 plus years..

that sounds exactly like the way I want to do things too..

Having a bad day, had a bad week in fact.

Today I've realised an error has been made. It was not my original error, it's just I didnt spot the error when I should have and now it's probably going to fall on me and that is Peeing me off.

I've been P'd off for a little bit, I've felt disrespected. Getting told off for talking to my colleagues again, literally just bits and bobs to make conversation and help the day flow. Yet others chat away all day, very loudly as well, about their personal lives or plans and nothing is said. Yet when I try to be social I'm smacked down, that's what it feels like. That in turn leads me to withdraw within myself and when you're trapped in your own head mistakes can happen when you're doing something that requires maximum concentration.

It has really angered and upset me but my worry is if I raise it as a way to defend myself it will just cause more fires. Really really unhappy.

Just wondering mate do you get told off for chatting in front of other people or is it in private/via email?

Maybe the others have been told to and they chose to ignore the warnings. Just a thought.
I've noticed my mood is worsening over the past couple of weeks. I'm slipping back into bad habits. Sleeping a lot more, even going to sleep again at about midday for a few hours.

I'm eating nothing but garbage again, back on the cakes and chocolate.

I have zero motivation to do anything. Really need to capture a bit of positivity and that.
I've noticed my mood is worsening over the past couple of weeks. I'm slipping back into bad habits. Sleeping a lot more, even going to sleep again at about midday for a few hours.

I'm eating nothing but garbage again, back on the cakes and chocolate.

I have zero motivation to do anything. Really need to capture a bit of positivity and that.

its bloody hard at times mate... even on the meds I still struggle daily to do much...

even with all the positive things you can do , sometimes you just still have a bad few days..

I know the feeling all to well
its bloody hard at times mate... even on the meds I still struggle daily to do much...

even with all the positive things you can do , sometimes you just still have a bad few days..

I know the feeling all to well
You're right mate. It's just happening whether i want it to or not. The medication i'm on only seems to help me with my instant reaction to things but hasn't really helped my mood at all. I'm going through loads of petty crap with the ex which is making things hard for me. All it's really achieving is making me want to sleep and be alone!

Need to force changes on myself even though i really can't be bothered.
You're right mate. It's just happening whether i want it to or not. The medication i'm on only seems to help me with my instant reaction to things but hasn't really helped my mood at all. I'm going through loads of petty crap with the ex which is making things hard for me. All it's really achieving is making me want to sleep and be alone!

Need to force changes on myself even though i really can't be bothered.
im currently back at my parents and to say me and my dad clash is an understatement..

hes so old fashioned you wouldn't believe it.

he doesn't believe in mental issues, people are just weak minded to him. so he doesn't understand or is even willing to listen to what im going through as to him it doesn't even exist..

we can be having a normal chat but it always desends into a lecture on what im doing with myself and when am I actually going back to work, even though im currentlky doing m,y hgv course and its been a slow process but he hates the fact im not 'doing anything'

it constatnly makes me feel an inch tall … and I hate my situation.

somethings you just have to put up with though, the meds cant sort everything out and make life all rosey and golden ..

its half the reason I didn't go to my docs appointment today, cos yesterday he asked why am I going AGAIN, he said you need to 'bin that sh*t off' ...

I've noticed my mood is worsening over the past couple of weeks. I'm slipping back into bad habits. Sleeping a lot more, even going to sleep again at about midday for a few hours.

I'm eating nothing but garbage again, back on the cakes and chocolate.

I have zero motivation to do anything. Really need to capture a bit of positivity and that.

The two are connected, fella.

We eat crap because it makes us feel good right now... the crash that comes an hour later we dont associate with it.

It's ok to be down, this isn't an easy thing. Baby steps mate. Set yourself a little target each day, something as simple as going for a walk or cooking yourself something decent.

And talk to people.

All the best fella.
The two are connected, fella.

We eat crap because it makes us feel good right now... the crash that comes an hour later we dont associate with it.

It's ok to be down, this isn't an easy thing. Baby steps mate. Set yourself a little target each day, something as simple as going for a walk or cooking yourself something decent.

And talk to people.

All the best fella.
Yeah it's all so true. I've always had no motivation, always been like that. I don't seem to be able to keep up new routines for very long as i always just slip back into my usual mess. I really need help growing some motivation.

Thanks mate
Yeah it's all so true. I've always had no motivation, always been like that. I don't seem to be able to keep up new routines for very long as i always just slip back into my usual mess. I really need help growing some motivation.

Thanks mate

Everybody is motivated. They're just not motivated by the same thing or in the same way... its tough and scary but you need to find what works for you and what you really want.

And dont beat yourself up or put yourself down... theres a million people in the world will do it for you ;)
I've noticed my mood is worsening over the past couple of weeks. I'm slipping back into bad habits. Sleeping a lot more, even going to sleep again at about midday for a few hours.

I'm eating nothing but garbage again, back on the cakes and chocolate.

I have zero motivation to do anything. Really need to capture a bit of positivity and that.
You've recognised that you are slipping. That has got to be a positive. Buy some fruit and try and snack on that instead of chocolate and cakes ( not as nice but healthier!) Aldi do a Super 6 where they put 6 fruit or veg on offer - usually about 49p to 69p. About the same price as a choccie bar
im currently back at my parents and to say me and my dad clash is an understatement..

hes so old fashioned you wouldn't believe it.

he doesn't believe in mental issues, people are just weak minded to him. so he doesn't understand or is even willing to listen to what im going through as to him it doesn't even exist..

we can be having a normal chat but it always desends into a lecture on what im doing with myself and when am I actually going back to work, even though im currentlky doing m,y hgv course and its been a slow process but he hates the fact im not 'doing anything'

it constatnly makes me feel an inch tall … and I hate my situation.

somethings you just have to put up with though, the meds cant sort everything out and make life all rosey and golden ..

its half the reason I didn't go to my docs appointment today, cos yesterday he asked why am I going AGAIN, he said you need to 'bin that sh*t off' ...
Try not to let it get to you. Your Dad sounds very old school - "men are men" and all that associated stuff. Don't stop going to the GP because of your Dad, that will make you worse. Parents can be a pain in the arse. They say things to their children that they would never dream of saying to any other human being on the planet.

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