Discussion & help on depression & mental health related issues

It was just the recruitment agency, not the actual organisation. I called today, they were engaged. Called again 30 min later, voicemail. Tried once more around 4, voicemail. Finally they called back and we talked about my degree and what I'd be interested in and mentioned the role I thought I already applied for.

It was pretty constructive and they said they'd email me with some listings I might be interested in. Waiting for that email now but feel hopeful this will produce something.

Just to manage your expectations, recruitment agencies are notoriously sketchy. Stay positive, but keep working on other options because there’s every chance the agency route will lead to nothing - this is why I asked you are you applying via an agency or via a direct employer.

Having worked in recruitment for over 15 years and worked for agencies and used the service of agencies as a candidate and as a client, it’s possible (perhaps, likely) that the call was primarily to register you on their system on the chance they have something that suits you in future, rather than to put you forth for any particular role.

I've been saying it for years and on hear for a long time and I feel it's worth saying again social media and poor mental health go hand in hand, so if you are feeling a bit down or anxious, delete your accounts it's free to do and you'll notice the positive very quickly maybe as short as a few days I certainly did, the only social media I use now is this and some YouTube in the evenings. I'm now so much happier in life than I was when I had FB and Twitter accounts.
I've been saying it for years and on hear for a long time and I feel it's worth saying again social media and poor mental health go hand in hand, so if you are feeling a bit down or anxious, delete your accounts it's free to do and you'll notice the positive very quickly maybe as short as a few days I certainly did, the only social media I use now is this and some YouTube in the evenings. I'm now so much happier in life than I was when I had FB and Twitter accounts.
Defo agree, there is a consistent theme in this thread and exercise( running, walking, punching a bag etc, is one) this is another. Can't stress enough how many triggers are in the pond of social media.

This is almost a mirror of your situation(s)

I haven't posted much lately but things have really improved since I started posting in here just over 2 years ago.

On the social side, I've reconnected with a group of old school friends. I've been out a few times with them and enjoyed it. Already set a date for the next one and I actually want to go.

I'm getting on better with my team at work. I just forced myself to make a bit more effort with people and it went a long way.

Things are good at the moment and I owe a lot to the support I've found in this thread.
Today in Australia is R U OK day. So from down here just hoping you are all ok.


Update, I purchased a coolant temperature sensor for the car. It actually worked! The car is working fine and the fix cost my £9 instead of almost £150!

Something has actually gone right for me. Set up my computer though, it's dead! Need a Computer badly and it sucks mine has died. So that good news about the car has been ruined by my pc dying haha.

A couple of years ago the car dying and my pc would have sent me into a deep and very stressful anxiety trip. I'm ok though now.
Update, I purchased a coolant temperature sensor for the car. It actually worked! The car is working fine and the fix cost my £9 instead of almost £150!

Something has actually gone right for me. Set up my computer though, it's dead! Need a Computer badly and it sucks mine has died. So that good news about the car has been ruined by my pc dying haha.

A couple of years ago the car dying and my pc would have sent me into a deep and very stressful anxiety trip. I'm ok though now.

I've no idea if your PC is salvageable but it might be worth trying a repair cafe if there's one not too far from you. I saw a news report on them a few weeks back and you can essentially take items in and get them repaired for free and have a chat and coffee at the same time. On the report I watched they did all sorts, hoovers, phones etc so I'm sure they'd have a look at your PC.

https://repaircafewales.org/ I think you said you're in Wales and there's a few of them about by the looks of it
Anyone else ever had issues with their partners family causing trouble?

My Mrs family have never been happy for us and often try to come between us and it has caused so much resentment/arguments.
Mate my mother in law ignored me for 14 years. It was her way or nothing. She was horrible and controlling. I'm getting divorced now so I can wash my hands of her as well as my ex wife.
I’m worried about my 16 year old lad. He came out as gay at about 11 and has struggled since. A once happy lad is now angry and confused. I think he has depression but will not accept it and don’t know how to help him.
There I’ve said it!
I’m worried about my 16 year old lad. He came out as gay at about 11 and has struggled since. A once happy lad is now angry and confused. I think he has depression but will not accept it and don’t know how to help him.
There I’ve said it!

Hi mate, there’s a sound lad on here who is gay and had similar issues when growing up @EvertonRhys

He hasn’t posted for a while, but hopefully if he sees this he can offer some advice.

Failing that there’s a lot of support groups both online and in the real world.

He’s an amazing kid to come out at such an early age and it must have taken real guts.

There’s a lot of forums out there where you can talk to parents of kids who are in a similar situation to yourself.

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