[Really sad news reading the last few posts. Heartbreaking stuff but from the sounds of it i don't think it could have been helped]
Hi everyone. I'm here for an update but also for maybe some advice. It's a tricky one that i can see pros and cons of both sides.
Right, My ex took the car off me yesterday (it's her car but i was paying to run it, insurance, petrol, tax, tyres all of it) so i'm now car-less. She want's to keep our arrangement in place regarding when our daughter stays with me which enables the Ex to work the hours she wants.Then for a few days a week, i have to take and pick up the baby from Nursery. The nursery is a few miles away through country lanes but that wasn't a problem with the car.
Some may remember that i told her it will be hard taking her on the bus due to the awkward location, unreliability of the local buses and that if i miss the most convenient one then it's a long walk to the other bus stop to get the two buses to the nursery. Obviously the return journey is the same.Her reply to that was, if i don't take her i will have to call the school and explain why she isn't going to attend. All i'm trying to do is make it easy on the baby, less hassle and still be able to attend appointments, school stuff, shopping, days out etc etc. The car although it wasn't mine helped our little girl and both my Ex and i.
Anyway, like i said, she took the car yesterday and now has 2 cars. I spoke with my house mate who is an older fella in his late 50s who has been through a divorce and had similar issues (albeit he is loaded so never had a car issue). He was telling me that i should tell her that she took the car, removed my ability to take the baby to school so therefore i should tell her, sorry but you will have to make other arrangements. Even if it means she makes it hard for me to see the baby, threatens mediation and eventually solicitors that i should call her bluff and go down the hard path. He thinks that the initial hardship of making things hard for both of us will pay off because she can't continue to dictate and treat me like crap. It's time i stand up for myself and also start dictating what happens because i also have to think of myself and not just her and the baby.
Now i know many will think don't do it, you're rocking the boat which i totally get. I should keep her sweet and basically bend over backwards to do what she wants BUT, i'm sure a lot of you will understand that she is dictating how i live MY life, what i can and can't do all under the threat of seeing the baby. She is making my life miserable, she talks to me like crap, treats me like crap and has a bitchy response to everything no matter how cordial i am.
I really want her to take the car and do one with it. I hate driving it as it reminds me of her. I want nothing to do with her as she makes my skin crawl however, it makes life for all 3 of us so much easier having 2 cars and i can't afford to buy one of my own.
My house mate says that her unreasonable behaviour, jumping right into another relationship, bringing a stranger to the house and letting him sleep there all counts against her. Ok, over the years she paid every bill so i know i have my bad points too [that i'm totally ashamed of] but since the split, i'v done everything i have to to remain in her life and my ex has had it easy and continues to dictate and work things around her life plus the power trip of having the car and baby held over my head.
I think i need to really think about this because i honestly do need to stand up for myself. She has had everything her way and continues to have it her way all the time insulting me and just being a pure bitch. She needs some hardship too to realise that she wanted the split, she chose the hours she works, she picked a school for the baby miles away, she took the car all of it.
I'm fully prepared for everyone telling me to keep her sweet, get the bus etc etc but please consider that i'm now on my own path and can't be dictated to anymore. It's time i grow a pair and focus on what my life is now and not focusing on what's easier for her. Ok, the baby may be used as a weapon by her but she won't be used by me. I'm happy to be with her as much as possible, just would be easier with the car back. She doesn't need two cars, it won't be forever. It's for 6 months/a year until i can get my own.
Thoughts? Consider all sides please. Her side, my side and "calling her bluff".