Just completed week 6 of my counselling course.
So far it's been mixed, I feel like I've learnt a lot but also there's been times when I've not enjoyed the evenings. We're getting to the business end so things are ramping up. For weeks we've had it drilled into us the core things that you need to know, (have self awareness, set boundaries, don't judge or offer your opinion, focus on them, etc)
The tutor put us into groups that we're going to be working with for the rest of the course, people we're going to have to share personal info with. I ended up being in a pair with a bloke whom I don't particularly have any rapport with. Nothing personal, we're just different personalities and interests (he's a massive red, swears casually, is quite a bit older than me). The tutor actually said "everyone happy with their groups?"
What am I or anyone else who isn't happy supposed to say? "No actually I'm not happy, I dont want to share things with someone I've found I have nothing in common with" right in front of that person? So much for self-awareness there.
We had to focus on contracts and as a counsellor what do you think you'd put in a contract of yours that a client would have to sign for them to work with you? We awkwardly made conversation as best we could (felt agonizing) and eventually she, the tutor, came to see how we were. I mentioned some of the things we'd discussed, things we'd maybe personally want in our contracts. I told her one of the things I'd brought up and she said "if you wanted that in a contract then you'd be in the wrong job". So much for counsellors not judging people. She can disagree by all means but it's not for her to give me her opinion, she's spent weeks teaching us that is something counsellors aren't supposed to do.
I said "I'm only 25, I could not feel comfortable about certain things now but when I'm say, 45, I might feel completely differently. I haven't lived my life yet."
She asked "well what things do you think you might feel differently about?"
I replied "I don't know I cant see the future. I could have experiences that change how I view certain things, I cant predict how my life may go, that's impossible."
She got her "listening" posture as I said this, as if we were having a session there and then. She said "you seem annoyed". I said I wasnt I just wanted to make my point. I was annoyed though, VERY annoyed. I felt like she'd just gone against everything she has been teaching us for weeks. I'm now in two minds about whether to see the course or not, clearly she's not my cup of tea and if I were a client I know I wouldn't sign a contract to work with her. Which is fine, she's likely q nice person, it's just her and me wouldn't click.
Vent over, just wanted to share.