Chester personal question. Are your unhealthy coping methods self harm. Cutting pefhaps? If they are be carefull and be aware of infections. You can self harm in so many ways, for example putting yourself in dangerous situations, not eating taking in fluids. If it gets too much there are - as has rightly been said on here - web sites that are really helpful. I recommend MIND. It's written in plain speaking very readable language. As you know self harm is about stress anxiety and " feeling you should be punished ". I would obviously recommend having someone you can chat to Chester. You have an option of asking your GP to review your meds. They work for some bug not others. I know people have mentioned web sites where people talk about their mental illnesses and I would never put you off. It's about lived experience and therefore subjective. Be aware that you have a very specific set of circumstances, and as such your experience is not always the same as theirs. Try not go to think " that's me, they are better but I'm not recovering, why ? ". I've said a number of times your the expert on your illness. Swimming, riding a bike, or excercises that someone can give you a gentle kick up the backside as motivation. You'll get through this just take little steps and be prepared for " blips " in your recovery. As people have said, your employer has no right AT ALL to be aware of what course of action your GP has recommended. It's confidential and they are on very rocky ground trying to involve themselves in your recovery. Your not weird, or a freak of weak. You do what you can to cope with your stresses. If it works and that includes self harm, then you need to make a choice. You are aware that it's not an " appropriate " way of coping, so IF you can try different things to help you cope, however unconventional. Good luck buddy.