Not an "Im really down" or anything but I really feel like I've wasted my life. It's a bit annoying honestly. Just started learning how to play guitar and am really enjoying it but Im 43. People usually start playing guitar when they are 10. I just listen to some music and think "yeah, no chance I'll ever play that" and get down.
Truthfully I've probably overachieved in my life. No idea how I got to where I am both personally and professionally. Just don't LIKE where I am tho.
Ah well, vent over.
I'm 44 and think like this a lot. It's common I'd say, particularly at this age.
You enjoy playing the guitar so that's great. Keep doing it. In that regard, you only have yourself to please. If you enjoy it, chances are you're good at it. It doesn't matter whether you are or not anyway, you decide what's good.
If you can identify other things personally and professionally that you can do to improve your situation, that's great too. They cannot be trivial things if they help your mindset.
I have no secrets as to what works in life, and as I say, quite often feel I have wasted my 20s and 30s in a lot of ways. I, like you though, cannot get that time back.
Overall I think my situation has improved a lot over the last two years so for myself, I say that's something. It's meant that I could deal with the pandemic for example in a much better state physically and mentally and I remind myself I am resilient and I will cope, with inevitable bad days included. I've had a lifetime of issues with anxiety, paranoia, and low self-esteem.
I do have an issue lately with creating "busyness" as a deflection mechanism but it's better than drink, gambling, drugs, or such vices. I can be quite obsessive with cleanliness and "order" around the house, and clean and re-arrange furniture quite a lot. After a long week at work, I spent most of yesterday cleaning for example. The house was already clean. I feel if I sit still for a second, and dwell, I'll veer into negativity and a bad thought process.
I do go for CBT but haven't done so since lockdown. I wonder if I have OCD.
It is a bit silly and I tell myself that but at least the house is spick and span.