On the discussion a few pages back about feeling like you’ve wasted your life;
I’m turning 30 in two months and constantly have thoughts looking back on my 20s feeling like I’ve wasted them and not become the person I wanted too, then have periods where I’m very happy with where i’am and what the future holds.
Always thought the biggest difference between men and women is that we look back and they look forward. It’s what’s makes the midlife crisis.
It’s not a healthy thing to do but it’s human nature to look back and feel like where did all that time go and what did I do with it.
I’m looking to the future now and it brings a lot of excitement but also a lot of anxiety.
My girlfriend was recently made redundant through obvious reasons and she’s started to look for jobs in Liverpool for us to get our own place and start a future together.
That’s a great thing to look too and makes me genuinely excited, but at the back of my mind there’s the doubt, and the anxiety of what if it goes wrong? Am I really ready? Am I just settling for the sake of it?
At the same time, that’s what life is. A constant conflict between the mind and your happiness/contentment. It will always tell you things could’ve been better, things could be better, and we all wallow in those thoughts at times, but it’s important we take time out to find gratitude in life.
I’m turning 30 in two months and constantly have thoughts looking back on my 20s feeling like I’ve wasted them and not become the person I wanted too, then have periods where I’m very happy with where i’am and what the future holds.
Always thought the biggest difference between men and women is that we look back and they look forward. It’s what’s makes the midlife crisis.
It’s not a healthy thing to do but it’s human nature to look back and feel like where did all that time go and what did I do with it.
I’m looking to the future now and it brings a lot of excitement but also a lot of anxiety.
My girlfriend was recently made redundant through obvious reasons and she’s started to look for jobs in Liverpool for us to get our own place and start a future together.
That’s a great thing to look too and makes me genuinely excited, but at the back of my mind there’s the doubt, and the anxiety of what if it goes wrong? Am I really ready? Am I just settling for the sake of it?
At the same time, that’s what life is. A constant conflict between the mind and your happiness/contentment. It will always tell you things could’ve been better, things could be better, and we all wallow in those thoughts at times, but it’s important we take time out to find gratitude in life.