Discussion & help on depression & mental health related issues

Evening all
Going through something similar to @Gwladysstreetlad myself.
Had a swelling appear in my neck just below the jawline about a week or so ago.

Called 111 who got me a GP appointment the next morning.
Doc reckons it's an enlarged lymph node, ruled out an infection so has booked me in for bloods and chest x-ray at the hospital tomorrow. Also sorting an ultrasound and possibly referring me to a specialist.

I know full well what lymph node issues could mean so it's a worry for sure.
But, I'll just see what happens and take each day as it comes. Whatever happens I'll deal with it.

Take care blues.
Sending best wishes and keeping everything crossed for a happy outcome. All the best.💙

Evening all
Going through something similar to @Gwladysstreetlad myself.
Had a swelling appear in my neck just below the jawline about a week or so ago.

Called 111 who got me a GP appointment the next morning.
Doc reckons it's an enlarged lymph node, ruled out an infection so has booked me in for bloods and chest x-ray at the hospital tomorrow. Also sorting an ultrasound and possibly referring me to a specialist.

I know full well what lymph node issues could mean so it's a worry for sure.
But, I'll just see what happens and take each day as it comes. Whatever happens I'll deal with it.

Take care blues.
Hope it works out okay for you, mate.
Evening all
Going through something similar to @Gwladysstreetlad myself.
Had a swelling appear in my neck just below the jawline about a week or so ago.

Called 111 who got me a GP appointment the next morning.
Doc reckons it's an enlarged lymph node, ruled out an infection so has booked me in for bloods and chest x-ray at the hospital tomorrow. Also sorting an ultrasound and possibly referring me to a specialist.

I know full well what lymph node issues could mean so it's a worry for sure.
But, I'll just see what happens and take each day as it comes. Whatever happens I'll deal with it.

Take care blues.

Wishing you all the best Mr T.

I truly hope is nothing more than an infection or a cyst.

By the sounds of it, you`re in good hands there and our wonderful NHS will see you right.

I think my mental health took a dive this week. A combination of a nasty cold coupled with seeing images / footage of kids in war torn Palestine. Probably wouldn't have bothered me years ago. Perhaps it's a combination of getting old or becoming a father myself 2 years ago. You see something like that and how it affects the innocent and you start thinking what's the point. I wish they'd stop the violence. Me? I'll be alright, first world problems innit? At least I have my boy and he's fit and well.
I agree with @anjelikaferrett that becoming a parent totally changes your view of life and now I am grandparent I find my perspective has changed even more, as you say that could be also be down to getting old. I compare the pictures of the kiddies in Palestine with my grandchildren excitedly looking forward to Christmas (already🙄) and I despair, but all any of us can do is ensure those around us are happy and well and try not to let events which are totally out of our control get us down. Spoil your little lad and make the most of his childhood, it is a cliche but it goes in the blink of an eye. All the best.💙

Bit of an update today. Blood results have come back, GP has made a routine telephone appointment in 4 weeks to discuss them (hoping the lack of urgency is good news).
Ultrasound has been booked for next month but I received a random call from the hospital today to book an appointment at the Ear/nose/throat dept (GP didn't mention this when i saw him).
The waiting is starting to mess with my head even though I told myself not to let it, I just want to know one way or another
Bit of an update today. Blood results have come back, GP has made a routine telephone appointment in 4 weeks to discuss them (hoping the lack of urgency is good news).
Ultrasound has been booked for next month but I received a random call from the hospital today to book an appointment at the Ear/nose/throat dept (GP didn't mention this when i saw him).
The waiting is starting to mess with my head even though I told myself not to let it, I just want to know one way or another
Thanks for keeping us updated even though it is not the news that we were all hoping for. Waiting is awful and it’s only natural to worry however much you tell yourself you won’t. Sending best wishes.💙
Bit of an update today. Blood results have come back, GP has made a routine telephone appointment in 4 weeks to discuss them (hoping the lack of urgency is good news).
Ultrasound has been booked for next month but I received a random call from the hospital today to book an appointment at the Ear/nose/throat dept (GP didn't mention this when i saw him).
The waiting is starting to mess with my head even though I told myself not to let it, I just want to know one way or another

keep your head up mate 💙

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