I'm losing my mind.
I have been trying to get into the police for almost a year now. I passed every stage fine until the final interview, which is split between the interview itself and an investigation exercise. September was my first attempt - failed interview but passed the exercise. On Sunday I had my second attempt, and I flew through the interview, but somehow failed the EXACT SAME investigation exercise. Word for word, brief and task, exactly the same as when I passed. I don't know what went wrong. I have to wait 3 weeks for feedback. Surely I have what they are looking for in an officer if I have passed both by now? Apparently not.
I'm 30. I have two degrees but I have never had a job. For 2 years I have been my Dad's full time carer (Alzheimer's). My options are incredibly limited with my CV. I have had several other interviews in the meantime, all unsuccessful. The police are perfect for me, my situation and my skills, but I just can't get there.
Now, I have to go back to Universal Credit for my measly 300 quid a month and satisfy them by applying for crappy jobs nobody wants to do in the meantime. Doing something low pay or part time isnt an option because then my Dad needs carers which we can't afford.
Don't know how much more I can take. I feel like a colossal failure and that my life is wasting away despite whatever I try. I can reattempt the interview in another 3 months, but my confidence is hitting an all-time low.