Player Valuation: £35m
If your near Shifnal mate try the boxing cub on a Saturday at 1.30. That's if your still living in Wolverhampton???
Yeah live in the south of the city mate. Shifnal is Telford way isn’t it?
If your near Shifnal mate try the boxing cub on a Saturday at 1.30. That's if your still living in Wolverhampton???
Shifnal is towards Telford mate. I live in Telford.
The boxing club does a mental health type thing on a Saturday at 1.30. It's won awards and stuff.
Not been myself but it may help you.
I'm going through a divorce mate so I'm finding it rough. My ex seems to want to push me in front of a train.
I'm getting the kitchen sink thrown at me at the moment mate. Tonight she is emailing me. Her exact words " your a [Poor language removed] dad and always have been "Hope you’re ok mate. I only lost a girlfriend, can’t imagine what a divorce is like.
I'm getting the kitchen sink thrown at me at the moment mate. Tonight she is emailing me. Her exact words " your a [Poor language removed] dad and always have been "
I'm getting the kitchen sink thrown at me at the moment mate. Tonight she is emailing me. Her exact words " your a [Poor language removed] dad and always have been "
I’m sure that’s just out of anger and not true mate. We’ve all got it in us to say nasty things we don’t really mean when we’re hurt or angry.
I read Allen Carr's stop drinking now mate. It's really short and an easy read. Helped me stop for six months. It's not easy but feels good mateI think the first stage is going to be sobriety and exercise. Get a bit of a routine going. After that yes, I’m going to have to start actively repairing old relationships and nurturing new ones.
It's snowing today. So by the time I got to work every piece of clothing I had was wet and cold and I couldn't feel my feet. So now I have to sit in a job I hate wet through and cold all day. Then I fell over in the shower at work and then I had a cry because I really don't want to be here. So I'm sat at my desk biting my lip and feeling like a massive failure.
I've moaned about this before so excuse me venting again, but I am only here because I ran out of money when I was writing. I had 3 projects and had just one of them landed, I would have been fine but instead I'm trapped here with no time, energy or motivation to write. My band were getting some good attention last year, got asked to send some stuff to a guy who runs a label with a view to doing a record... 6 weeks later and he hasn't even acknowledged receipt. We have one more show booked this year and nobody replies to my e-mails about any of the others we were asked to get in touch with.
I tried career counselling to work out what to do next and the sage advice was "be a writer" or "look for jobs on linked in with 'strategic' in the title" (ie more e-mails and meetings I don't care about whilst I wait for 5 o clock). I'm tired of giving my all to things i'm passionate about and failing. I cant remember what accomplishment feels like. I feel trapped and scared that getting fired from a desk job every two years is going to be the rest of my life.
Well, better get to moving numbers around a spreadsheet to make a little bit more money for somebody else, I suppose.
I would pointout here that @GrandOldTeam agreed to let me write some stuff for the main site here and I have totally failed to submit anything. I sit down and there is nothing there. So a thousand apologies for that. Throw it on the failure pile.
Why don’t you start off with a small piece, just to get things going ?
I'm in a place right now where I associate writing with failure and disappointment and (and I realise this is stupid) my idiot mind won't let me start because it's the first step to hoping, which inevitably leads to getting kicked in the teeth.
In the last 12 months I had a book concept that a lot of people were excited about, so excited in fact that an agent convinced one of his "names" to write the same thing and get it published, another being shopped around and getting no interest (too niche), a potential staff contract with one of my favourite publications being turned down due to cost (a cost I was happy to bear myself out of my wages) and a proposal I was asked to put together for a massive project personally by the MD who then never replied to my e-mails and ducked my phone calls... You can see where my reluctance comes from.
I wouldn't be too hard on yourself over this. You're doing another job, which generally speaking leaves little in the tank for writing (even if you liked that other job). No-one likes staring at a blank page (or screen), but once you settle on an idea and can put the time aside to do it, you should be fine. Often it's best to just get something down, no matter the quality - then you can play about with it, rework it, refine it and so on. Rewriting and tinkering with something is much less daunting than the initial stage of getting something down on paper. In the past, people occasionally asked if I needed to be "inspired" to write, but as I've never written fiction it's never been a problem - once I have a subject, it's just a case of coming up with a structure and so on. Like any other job, some days are more productive than others, and there's no need to think of it as anything other than that. Best to not overthink it.I would pointout here that @GrandOldTeam agreed to let me write some stuff for the main site here and I have totally failed to submit anything. I sit down and there is nothing there. So a thousand apologies for that. Throw it on the failure pile.
It sounds like you have progressed further than many will, so I would definitely keep going (easier for someone else to say, I know). As you know, the market is very different these days (when I started out it was all print media), so there's less space for traditional publishing, even if there are more ways to get your work out there. The concept stage is often a tricky one, as far as I'm concerned, and you've given a great example of what my biggest concern is: take a good idea to someone which they politely decline, only for them to take on the project themselves or assign it to someone else. But it's a tough one... if you have a great idea, you can't just sit on it, but airing it leaves it open to others seizing on it. But I do think - just from reading your posts - that you definitely shouldn't abandon the writing. There are times when people should just hang it up and move on, but this doesn't sound like your situation.In the last 12 months I had a book concept that a lot of people were excited about, so excited in fact that an agent convinced one of his "names" to write the same thing and get it published, another being shopped around and getting no interest (too niche), a potential staff contract with one of my favourite publications being turned down due to cost (a cost I was happy to bear myself out of my wages) and a proposal I was asked to put together for a massive project personally by the MD who then never replied to my e-mails and ducked my phone calls... You can see where my reluctance comes from.