I have found this lockdown extremely hard, I have a constant knot in my stomach, until recently I've been keeping things under control but I've started getting angry over little things and giving out to my lads over nothing. I've talked to my wife about it, and she's noticed it too. This is the first time in 6 years I'm feeling constantly down, I was on anti anxiety medication back then and don't want to go back to that, so I've decided that from now I'm blocking any covid talk and news, looking at daily numbers and deaths is not good for me, I've been at it for over a year and it's taking the good out of me. My next step now is to ignore whoever set up the covid thread here and then block news sites on my phone..
This one is very close to home for me.
I’m on the IoM so our lockdowns have been differently structured to yours (and shorter overall so I’ve had things much easier!).
In the year and a half before all this hit I went on a massive fitness journey and dropped a shedload of weight. I thought that would stand me in good stead and I’d be able to stay on top of exercise during LD but it didn’t.
I just kind of... freeze. I lounge around all day, KNOWING I should be doing exercise, work, stuff with the kids etc but my body just won’t respond. As that goes on I get progressively more angry with myself, but I’ll end up snapping at the kids over something stupid instead.
I think the worst thing a lot of people can do - in life in general as well as these crazy times - is try to fix everything at once. You just end up feeling more overwhelmed and you’ll find yourself back at square one, if not further back than that, before long.
I’ve just picked little things I can do for anything between half an hour or a couple of hours each day, and the chunks soon build up so that you’re staying occupied between getting up and going to bed. For me, what’s worked have been:
- Learning Spanish on Duolingo
- Learning the drums (online courses)
- Reading
- Playing board/card games with the kids
- Basic spelling and numbers with my little one
- Watching movies with the kids
- Watching all WWF Wrestlemanias in sequence (I don’t know why I thought of this, I don’t even really like wrestling, but it’s been fun so far!)
You’ll note that exercise is still absent from the list. I’ll do bits when I feel up to it but I refuse to put myself under pressure to do it. Yes, I’ll exit LD a few KGs heavier than I came in but that’ll soon drop off once I get exercise back into my daily routine.
Good luck to you, man. We’ll get through it by hook or by crook!