Sassy Colombian
Member: Team PoP
Darling, I totally understand your hesitation given your current condition and I also understand your desire to wait to see if that fluid can be drained so you can be and feel more comfortable. So how about if we wait until you go back to your doctor to get that done and then once that happens you give us an update on whether you think you could make it to a match. I also really don't mind going through the effort and trying getting you some tickets even if the plans changed later so whatever you decide it will be okay.I would really like to do it but unless my condition improves I don't know whether I would be up to it. I don't want people to go to a lot of effort and then not be able to make it due to tiredness. I live about 2 and a half hours away and the travelling takes a lot out of me. Maybe if they can drain some of the fluid I will start to feel more energetic and it could possibly be explored. I am absolutely overwhelmed by the reactions in here it means a lot to me. I appreciate every word that has been said and all the kind offers.