No it doesn't bother me at all how you rate him. We are all entitled to our opinions.Why does it bother you so much if I didn't rate dom though? I think he's been decent this season for what it's worth, but even so, does it matter to you how I rate him?
It bothers me that you engage in debate claiming not to have said what you've said.
It's disingenuous and just comes across as waffling
If you are going make your claims on a forum and someone disagrees, justify your opinion instead of pretending you've not said what you've said
If you don't want to be challenged on your opinion on a player, why post it on the forum?
That's all. The following thing you said and the unrefutable comeback you received is what peaked my interest!
but you carry on as if that didn't happen and you weren't shown upIt's not about hating on players, it's about having a realistic and non-biased view on it.
It is a forum at the end of the day, different views and all that, not a school yard like some treat it.
Better to hold your hands up at that point imo, nobody likes a bluffer