He has the most thankless job in professional football
Runs more miles in one game than Lukaku in one season. While he hasn’t got Lukaku’s finishing I would love to see how he actually does with the same chances as Lukaku had for us.
If I was DCL I would be disgusted to see how Sandro was bent over every 5 minutes knackered, yet he is running around every minute of every game selflessly.
Don’t think he was trying to be greedy. Think he legit didn’t pick his head up to see Sig so he blindly took a shot. That’s worse than being selfish though unfortunately. I’m still not sure what DCL is exactly.Gutted he wasted that chance to pass to Siggy, when your game plan is only going to lead to a small amount of chances you have to take them and not be greedy
He's rubbish, can't hold the ball up and can't neither shoot or head a ball,a true poor man's jermaine Beckford.
This says it all