There must be a massive cover up by her team to portray her as being healthy. All the facts point to her being rather quite ill, which, let's be honest, wouldn't be too surprising for a woman nearly in her 70s on her feet every single day traveling all over the country and globe.
Looks like her doctor has put out a fake bill of health, too, as it goes against everything people have been seeing in her recently. Trump must be made up with this weekend's events.
Clinton looks like she's getting worse and no way would she be able to run the country in her current state; being propped up by her minders, ushered into cars, suffering coughing fits, having her doctor release detailed health reports to try and convince people she's fit and healthy then being sent out with dark sunglasses on to cover her tired eyes to assure people she "feels great". Not a chance.
Trump is older, but hasn't shown a single sign of ill health, unlike Hillary. I really wonder what affect this will have on voters who are currently undecided: Do they vote for her regardless and hope she gets healthy and can somehow lead the strongest country in the world into her 70s? Does it make them think twice, will lots of them sway for Trump instead?
Will those who are only marginally on her side be angry at her failure to be honest about her health? I know I'd be angry if I was backing a candidate who claims they are in top condition, only to find out they'd been covering it up and the chances of them being able to lead the country are actually quite low.
The Donald has the momentum for sure, and he'll capitalise on this weekend's events no doubt.