Player Valuation: £60m
Think CNN had it 57 34
The spelling of a Trump supporterYERSSS
but yes youre right. Clinton Crime Family will win this non doubt. It's amazing how biazed media is all over the world. Im watching finnish media and it's a discrace. Ive decided to follow these like a sheep.
I'd like to congratulate my opponent @Nil Satis Niasse Optimum / @potato for a good and thorough debate tonight. Also to Anderson @Dylan for keeping us on topic.
Not even arsed really. Emerica is doomed with that witch.Check Fox mate it'll have Trump winning and I'm sure cheer your mood
Not even arsed really. Emerica is doomed with that witch.
Not even arsed really. Emerica is doomed with that witch.
Not even arsed really. Emerica is doomed with that witch.
AMERICANS! can you explain some of the nuances of this election please? i know through obamas tenure he was greatly restricted by the senate as a high number of republicans...does this election elect the senate and so potentially give clinton a bigger mandate to pass legislation? thanks
....I don't think it was a CNN poll, it was mentioned on Sky this morning as the first results. Commentators seem to think it was a draw. From the headlines and clips I saw it was most about morals and little about policy.
She's corrupted as hell and will only repeat and continue Obamas failed policies. Anyone who bothers to watch Congressional hearings about Bengazi and E-mails might actually have a clue why I hate that witch.Can you explain your hatred of this woman please.
She's corrupted as hell and will only repeat and continue Obamas failed policies. Anyone who bothers to watch Congressional hearings about Bengazi and E-mails might actually have a clue why I hate that witch.
Two dissembling liars seeking the highest office...same as most US presidential elections.