Tbf, I think Obama had the right ideas and genuinely cared for the poorer people in the country.Two dissembling liars seeking the highest office...same as most US presidential elections.
Tbf, I think Obama had the right ideas and genuinely cared for the poorer people in the country.
He was constantly at war with congress trying to push his reforms through.
These two are both power hungry liars.
Idiotwhat did you think of george w bush?
He was an idiot. An entertaining idiot. But an idiot.nice, whats finnish politics like at the moment out of interest? bit more stable than american and UK?
We have like three big parties and several smaller ones wich have 9-5% support...about. our politics is quite boring. But lately our media field has started to show bad and worrying signs too.nice, whats finnish politics like at the moment out of interest? bit more stable than american and UK?
God man I have to find the post somewhere in this chaos? lolglad to be of service and I won't even blame predictive text.
#senior moment
God man I have to find the post somewhere in this chaos? lol
Help me out.
She's corrupted as hell and will only repeat and continue Obamas failed policies. Anyone who bothers to watch Congressional hearings about Bengazi and E-mails might actually have a clue why I hate that witch.