Hate is perhaps too strong a word - but there is a load of evidence to suggest that, actually, she isn't very good. Take her time as Secretary of State for instance, when she was wrong over Libyan intervention, deeply wrong over Benghazi, wrong over Iran and sanctions, wrong over the Arab Spring and kicked off the support of the anti-Assad rebels who have helped to turn Syria into such a popular spot for one's holidays. Or look at her performance as Senator, when she managed to be wrong in supporting the invasion of Iraq and managed to be wrong in opposing the surge that briefly improved things in that country (and probably would have done much to prevent what followed, had Maliki not messed it up).
The contrast with John Kerry, who has spent much of his time as Secretary of State putting out fires that she helped start, is staggering. If the Republican Party hadn't painted itself into such a corner (over its family values / anti-immigrant / anti-science / pro-fossil fuels / pro money / anti-reality policies) that Trump genuinely was the least crazy one of the candidates, she would have no chance.