Yeah, this has been an extremely negative campaign season all the way around. Trump has been so ridiculous (and negative) that it's really easy to spend the entire time making a 'not Trump' case instead of a pro Clinton case.
It's also easier to do, because many of here 'supporters' either fall far to the left of her, or spent the primary ragging on Bernie-bros and their antics.
That said, Clinton is the better candidate in this election, and part of that has to do with her opposition. I think she'd be better than Romney or W. Bush as well though. And especially the dangerous force that was Ted Cruz earlier. The GOP has done such a great job alienating people like myself that the opposition is meaningless. I need it to not be Trump. It being Trump would cause a serious existential crisis in my thinking of my country. I don't think I'm alone.
Clinton is a politician. She will not fix all of our problems, and considering her ties with Wall Street may well make some of them worse. However, I think she at least has positives regarding how the government works for the People. Her beliefs have historically been liberal regarding rights (womens, racial, gender identity, etc.). She has also backed improving our social infrastructure (desperately needed), and bringing us closer to par with the rest of the first world on things like family leave and workers rights.
None of this particularly excuses the fact that she's a war hawk, or that she is best friends with the people that will almost certainly cause another economic crash here shortly. But it is absolutely enough for someone like myself to shrug my shoulders, check the Clinton box, and hope desperately that there are enough like-minded Americans out there to prevent a Trump presidency...which could well signal the end of the 'American Empire'. And I suspect the end of that won't be as friendly as the end of the British one.