This sounds like a good idea, but I think it's actually a really bad one. One of the problems with the House of Representatives is that a 2 year term means they are constantly campaigning. That means they have to bend to the short term will of the people over the long term benefit of the society.
Which is more democratic...but the Senate is there precisely to put a break on that process, we're a Republic for a reason. Basically term limits deincentivize experience. And don't you want people that know what they're doing working for you?
I'm not violently opposed to the has idealistic merit certainly. I just am not sure if it would work well given real world constraints? Wouldn't it be nicer if we could re-elect Obama instead of having this mess? At least for another term?
Having the term limit is also a break on the people's will...if the People want to be governed by someone, why should we disallow it?
Eh...just some ramblings on that subject. seem conflicted.