Trump causing murder with our police and no go areas. A few officers have come out saying that an area in Preston is a no go area for the police as well and have to get permission of the community leader before going in. Not sure how true this is but is concerning if true. Police cannot wear their uniforms to work now incase they are attacked.
Are you reading the Daily Mail by any chance?
They're all insane. Look at D1ck Cheney's response....
“I think this whole notion that somehow we can just say no more Muslims, just ban a whole religion, goes against everything we stand for and believe in, I mean, religious freedom has been a very important part of our history and where we came from. A lot of people, my ancestors got here, because they were Puritans. There wasn’t anybody here then when they came,”
He's playing a game.Seems that people are over reacting to trump comments, banning him from entering the UK, talking about Scotland stripping him of his honoraey degree, don't think he would care like but all this due to his comments. People are allowed to have their own opinion and those opinions will cost him votes. Not sticking up for him just that it's a massive over reaction,asif USA could ban Muslims.
Seems that people are over reacting to trump comments, banning him from entering the UK, talking about Scotland stripping him of his honoraey degree, don't think he would care like but all this due to his comments. People are allowed to have their own opinion and those opinions will cost him votes. Not sticking up for him just that it's a massive over reaction,asif USA could ban Muslims.
TBH having an achievement record of "very little" puts him in the top fifteen US Presidents to date.
imagine if a candidate for the tory party said the same thing...
He's playing a game.
imagine if a candidate for the tory party said the same thing...
They couldn't and wouldn't, because:
A: The Tories are far more left wing than America's right, and nobody within the Tory party would believe a ban on Muslims would be useful or enforceable
B: You can speak your mind in the USA and people will only argue with you. In Europe, if you spout a controversial opinion, petitions would be made to have you stripped of the 3rd place coloring badge you won in creche and a demand that you keep apologising for your words for the rest of your career.