Yes, in a previous life, I taught US History. It went with the band gig.
His Wiki is very concise and explanatory. Quite a remarkable man, who was forever blamed for the economic collapse that happened on his watch. Those of us who are free-market types note his faith in top-down solutions for economic problems, and the historical result of their application in both his and the ensuing administration. When we had a terrible depression in 1920, Harding allowed the market to take its course and the problem worked itself out in about eighteen months, creating the boom economy that the US experienced until 1929. I've seen "experts" at work, and my skepticism knows no bounds. The problem is prescribing solutions with insufficient information for an efficient market to operate and really meet the needs of individual citizens. People need to read some Mises and Hayek.
The free market is terribly efficient, even violently so. Is this a good time to link an awesome Keynes vs Hayek rap video?