Look, pgheverton, I appreciate that you may be pretty young and only be aware of "soccer" through a Playstation game. But to put it in simple terms that you may understand, top-class football players have to be Peyton Mannings because they have to do everything and think on top of that, rather than run hard for 10 yards, make a sharp turn to the left and catch a ball, before having a three-minute pause for an ad break.
And for every (one) Peyton Manning that the NFL or college football has, they have far too many players like Randy Moss (short arms when the game gets tough or he doesn't fancy it), Romanowski ('roid droid), Pacman (team poison), etc.
Show me a few John Lynch's who can actually play football and I might be interested.
And, by the way, UEFA doesn't turn the blind eye to illegal supplements and suspect medical treatments that the NFL does.