Driving in the UK

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Now firstly, its still better standards and courtesy than elsewhere so pipe down Americans. You all drive massive trucks and refuse to move over in the outside lane you ignorant melts. I do like that rule where you can right turn at traffic lights if you give way, we could do with that but turning left obviously.

Onto my point. The driving standards in the UK are getting bad. Particularly on motorways. After doing much research on journeys to both Scotland and South Wales lately I have concluded that the problem is no one uses the inside lane anymore. You've got a nation of ignorant lazy dickheads who like to sit in the middle lane at 70mph. Even if the inside lane is empty everyone remains in the middle lane. Dickheads. This causes jams and areas of traffic.

I'd also like to ban all HGVs off the road between the hours of 8am to 7pm.

Vote me PM ffs.

They do the left turn thing in Oz & NZ, all the junctions tend to have a lane for those turning though & as there's less congestion you can usually get there if turning, whereas our roads are a lot narrower outside of the cities and junctions aren't big enough for that left lane.

Here's one from NZ... You are driving along and approaching a rd on the left, a car approaching you is wanting to turn right into that rd, YOU have to give way to HIM. It works as well, because you slow down and flash him through then continue, that way the other side of the road isn't at a standstill because someone wants to turn.
I never got used to it though and had much anger thrown in my direction, strangely I started to do it as soon as i got back to the UK and still flash people to allow them to turn, which also gets some strange reactions from ungrateful pent up drivers.

I would ban trucks at weekends on UK Motorways, they are banned in most of europe and use the uk as a weekend alternative to sitting in a lay-bye, jamming up our rds and not even buying any fuel here to contribute to their upkeep.

20 MPH in residential areas and near schools as well.

You aren't allowed to overtake a schoolbus at any time in NZ, moving or stopped.

Cycle Helmets are also compulsory, if you get pulled without 1 then you get the option to purchase 1 and take the receipt to the constabulary instead of the fine.

There should be a toll on the southbound carriageway of the motorway on the Scottish Border.

some things not needed from NZ though are, being able to drive at 15, and not needing to have insurance.

Oh, and the drink driving limit should be halved or zero.
My manifesto simply states "What edge wants, edge gets."

You can be Minister of Justice mate.
ta mate , first rule, justice what justice, you should have thought about that before you got caught, now your mine so shut up and get ready for the punishment. unless your a blue and you get a few get out of jail cards every year with your season ticket,
Unless i'm mistaken al 3 lanes are equal apart from the inside lane which slow moving traffic have to stick to.

No such thing as "the fast lane" apart from people who break speed limits.

You are mistaken, you must always use the leftmost lane unless you have to over take a slower moving vehicle in which case you move to the lane to the right etc ... So if you're in the middle lane and there's nothing to overtake then move over.

You are mistaken, you must always use the leftmost lane unless you have to over take a slower moving vehicle in which case you move to the lane to the right etc ... So if you're in the middle lane and there's nothing to overtake then move over.

Yeah i just realised i read chicos post wrong, you should use the inside lane at all times if available.

I thought he was one of those people who moan at people driving at 70mph cause he wants to go screaming past at 90.
Now firstly, its still better standards and courtesy than elsewhere so pipe down Americans. You all drive massive trucks and refuse to move over in the outside lane you ignorant melts. I do like that rule where you can right turn at traffic lights if you give way, we could do with that but turning left obviously.

Onto my point. The driving standards in the UK are getting bad. Particularly on motorways. After doing much research on journeys to both Scotland and South Wales lately I have concluded that the problem is no one uses the inside lane anymore. You've got a nation of ignorant lazy dickheads who like to sit in the middle lane at 70mph. Even if the inside lane is empty everyone remains in the middle lane. Dickheads. This causes jams and areas of traffic.

I'd also like to ban all HGVs off the road between the hours of 8am to 7pm.

Vote me PM ffs.

My 1999 Toyota Corolla would like to have a word with you.

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