Here's a thought, and bear in mind I'm writing this presuming that City win the title and Barcelona don't screw up spectacularly.
Question- have the rs progressed as much as the media luvvies are claiming?
I ask this because;
1. Despite amassing many more points, they haven't won the league.
2. Barca permitting, they'll have done worse in the Champions League than last season.
3. League cup; fell at first hurdle.
4. FA Cup; threw it away at first hurdle.
Together with the above, other 'elite' members of the Sky Six (Arsenal, Chelsea, Spurs, Manure) have hardly been consistent this season which has of course influenced the rs' season.
Any thoughts my friends?
Note; if City or Barca cock this up then this post will be deleted in 0.5 nanoseconds!