I would hope that the club itself would be trying to stop this nonsense before it escalates further than the Man City bus incident were it was just luck that no one got hurt. I notice that the anti-graffiti brigade don't comment on stuff that could actually hurt someone though. I hope they can like me, condemn both.
So I guess I should reply to this.
My view is this... and I’ve said as much on the Liverpool forum I use...
The bus welcoming on its own is fine, and I like that some people enjoy it, and I’m sure it’s anpositive for our players.
But, and it does come with a but, I think more should be done by our own fans and by the club to reduce the fervour.
I don’t like the welcoming of visiting teams coaches, personally, mainly because it is far easier for things to get out of hand when the atmosphere is negatively charged, rather than positively charged.
I don’t see the coach welcoming as something to condemn. I think it’s a positive overall - though I’ve never been involved with one myself for various reasons - but there are some actions within that should be condemned.
I think there is a responsibility for reds to play a part - along with police and the club - to stop thing like scallies climbing on top of police cars to get a better view, etc.
Obviously, if anyone throws stuff at a coach, that should be condemned.
But as an overall thing, the act of gathering to welcome your team - whether you think it’s amazing or the most pathetic thing known to man - isn’t something that needs to be condemned.
Gathering for a home game against Norwich to open the season isn’t going to be a negative thing, it’ll be in fantastic spirits welcoming the reigning European champions akin to the homecoming parade.
I won’t be there, but I don’t have a problem with it.