2 points here. Setting off a flare in that setting is ok by my reckoning, as long as theres some consideration for doing it safely. If it’s done at a risk of others then that’s not ok, but the act of setting off a flare on its own is ok.
But whether it makes you cringe? That’s fair enough. I’ve never been minded to join in one of these gatherings, so am obviously not massively bought in on it, but I also don’t cringe. Opinions on these things are allowed to differ though.
Like all things... it’s a handful of bad apples that cause trouble and give a bad name to the rest. I think calling it “planned violence” is a bit daft though.
Some of your lot were scrapping last season at millwall, and was there another game too? Doubt that was the majority of you, but a few who chose to make trouble or got involved when opportunity arose.
The bellends that do more than cheer the coach deserve criticism and more needs to be done (as I said) by all parties including the fans to stop it.
I haven’t heard of trouble at one of these other than city though - not that it diminishes the trouble with the city coach.
If you want to say I’m claiming moral high ground, ok. But I’m not, and I havent. I’ve criticised on both sides, and also recognised that it’s a minority in those instances anyhow.
I’ve had one scrap in my life when I was 17, got my nose busted, and tend to not get involved in trouble. I think people that do are generally idiots. It doesn’t matter to me what colour shirt they’re wearing when they do it.