Does anyone remember that poor lass (Caroline Flack) who killed herself because of a number of things, the main one being because she was terrified of the constant attacks and threat from the sick media of this country and their weirdo acolytes cult following that they cater to who consume such trash?
And does anyone remember the scummy hypocrites in said media and said acolytes then spending about a week writing headlines and parroting guff like "be kinder to each other" and "lets have a more friendly, gentle world" and more nauseating empty words like that?
Didn't last very long did it! They cried their crocodile tears and then moved onto their next victim. Hounding the life out of a footballer because of a bad tackle on a goddam football pitch. Kin' hell we've finally reached peak 2020! Between the nauseating wall-to-wall coverage of this nonsense, to the endless over analysing and moral grandstanding from scum like Pairs Morgan, to the inevitable yet still tedious screeching and hysterical threats from fanboys wishing death, in some cases going so far as to outright send threats to Pickford and his family personally is it any wonder that someone could be pushed to such an awful place that they'd look for a way out?!
Shame on the lot of them, they are scum of the kin' earth. I'm sure that the club will support Pickford and his family who hopefully will be fine but the next victim of the media who strays from the very narrow, righteous path before them might not have a network like that and might not be so safe. Something has to be done about the media in this country or more people will die.