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ECHO Comment: "Fears of Witch-hunt Against Liverpool FC" part 3

"Blinded by hate"... One swift read of this danger's Twitter would indicate a bit of hypocrisy. I've never seen so much vitriol aimed at literally everyone. He needs to lay of the booze.

From the replies so far on his tweet, he’s getting a pasting from typing that. The odd one or two are piping up in agreement but the majority are laying into him

What a disgusting POS he is

You shouldn't ever sing about Hillsborough or people being poor.

You should always sing about Heysel every week because they'd much rather you forgot it. I wish there was a song with the word "Heysel" in it so they could never say it was about something else ever again.

Maybe instead of singing the victim song there needs to be something else that explicitly references Heysel and can't be twisted to mean something else by those acting in bad faith?

Quote from a Rag "Lip readers and linguistic experts were used in an attempt to discover what was said on the pitch. The Mirror claims the alleged words from Henderson were close to an offensive remark in Portuguese, which is why Brazilian Gabriel reacted so angrily."
So its OK to call someone by a racist term as long as you change a letter making the term close but not exact. Or speak it in a foreign language.
To be fair to Henderson, Gabriel has not come out and said anything on the matter. If he was racially abused and felt so strongly about it, just go public and tell people what was said. It is the only way to stop things like this happening again (if it did happen).
The nobhead's at it again.

As a person who lost 2 family members that day, Stephen 17 my cousin and dave 39 my uncle, this sickens me to my core.

For a man, if you can call him that, to use theirs and 95 others deaths as a weapon on some joke of a platform like twitter to points score shows not only the level of individual he is but how low society has fallen, in respect to the fact there are people supporting this.

No care for the hundreds, now thousands, of relatives who lived first with the tragedy, then for 30 years of having mindless idiots of all areas of society besmirging their memory with fabrications, no care for the families torn apart by the events that day, no care for mental health of the survivors, people like my uncle who had to go to the temporary morgue to identify the bodies. No care for the children who grew up neglected by a parent who lost their other half and steeped into depression, who turned to alcohol and drugs as a remedy at 12 years of ages, another death of a life caused by the knock on effect of the SYP scum and the inability of the FA to see what nearly happened the year before could happen again.

I lived that, and anyone else who did, will know what I'm saying.

Those who never, will act like that prick in the tweet. For them it's just another bullet to fire at the other tribe. And it needs to

If liverpools new odious fanbase has found a way to link the gestures and chants thrown at them about heysal and the deaths of 39 Italians to Hillsborough then we as a fanbase need to stop referencing it all together. After all we're just a) playing into yheir hands, and b) weaponising those deaths which in effect is doing exactly what this prick of a twitter kopite is doing with Hillsborough.

There is no high ground in this situation.

No wonder he's on the dole

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