I wouldn't agree with that shower if they told me the sun was going to rise in the East tomorrow...
Are you from the city mate? Not trying to dig you out, just curious
Wigan now, having moved from Prescot. Though what that has to do with loathing that lot I'm not entirely sure...
As an American of German Irish extraction that grew up in England and now returned to the states as of 1987 I am able to say with complete and total honesty that this hymn makes me tear up even though it is a celebration of the oppressor. We are not simple beings, or if we are that is us at our worst.I'll hazard a guess that it's because it venerates some weird mythical notion that Jesus Christ decided to pop over to ancient Britain for what must've passed for some sort of stag weekend circa 2000 years ago.
I'm actually a big fan of William Blake-(his work Jerusalem is actually something else, the poem with the lyrics for Parry's music is indeed called 'and did those feet in ancient time') - but the adoption of this work for nationalistic hubris is fairly despicable.
Great song though.
I've got no problem with loathing them I'll take the Pepsi challenge with you. You're from Knowsley then, Knowsley is one of the most impoverished places in the Uk. How can you possibly dislike an anti-establishment protest from people from your own city/region? Regardless of their footy team. If you drive from Prescot down Prescot road through Dovecot you see a mural of a lad and a girl side by side. One red one Blue. I hate them with a venom when it comes to football, but when it comes to this city and all that stuff... I don't care if you're blue, red or a cricket fan. They hate us, and I hate them. We've got Eurovision here next week (not my bag at all it's a load of cheese) but it's great for the city. Lies vile right now. Let's not applaud the people who've made it vile. Good on them shower for turning up and booing tonight.
Of course they did its The Daily Mail
nuff said.
Where they on with Sonya?Odds on - another reason not to watch...if I needed one.
The peak of the whole Eurovision song thing was years ago - with the diddley diddley dancers from Ireland.
That sums it up
5800 season ticket holders I saw it stated on hereHalf of them in that stadium aren’t even from Liverpool and are booing because they read it on kopite twitter that it was the thing to do and they’re desperate to fit in.
And no doubt that will get 1 billion attendees just like the quadruple celebrations.Anyway, just like to mention the coffin has been ordered for a parade
if we go down, think on that.
BootlickerThe Monarchy are not the government. The Queen did nothing against Liverpool. Liverpools courts are named after the Queen. This shower of crap calling themselves Liverpool are not Liverpool, they are a bunch of sheep fromNorway, London and around the country who think it’s smart to have a go. Meanwhile real people in Liverpool will have watched the death of Diana, Prince Philip and the Queen and felt a degree of sympathy and then today see an event that last happened 70 years ago. Do not judge my city or it’s people by the cretins inside of the Pit…..