I'd stick a tenner on he came out with, "do you know who I am, I'll have your jobs...."
Probably mates with load of rat kopites on the force who've let him off with all sorts of behaviour over the years. People like that start thinking they are above the law and rules that apply to the rest of us.
Didn't get one of his local bobbies but more likely a traffic cop, you don't mess with them fellas.
They've seen enough carnage to last ten lifetimes and are more than professional enough to have no time for "celebrity's" (in the broadest terms) trying to dictate to them.
Some minor thick as mince moron trying to dictate to a guy who's probably had to deliver the most horrific news to families over and over and over again. Betchya he was at his most pompous grating self... Hope they boot him right off the radio but Talksport will no doubt welcome him back to their fold of reprobates, S

un lovers and Tory's