Oh wow.
How anybody reading that can still attempt to defend the racist little bucktoothed diving clown.
How anybody reading that can still attempt to defend the racist little bucktoothed diving clown.
This sums up the mood on RAWK; They've dug in so deep they have to keep shoveling;
Dr Iving Home For Xmas on Today at 06:09:14 PM
I genuinely didn't think that after reading this I'd be even more disappointed and disgusted by the FA's verdict. I was wrong.
I really wanted to be able to say with absolute confidence that I can stand by Luis Suarez and his claim to be innocent in this matter, and thankfully I can. Anyone who can't clearly isn't reading the same pages I've just read most of. This is an incredible verdict, littered with inconsistencies, double standards, discrimination, and even bias. I'm ****ing appalled reading it. Every page makes it worse than the one before, and every other page sees a potential headline from a red top over the course of the next week.
This absolutely MUST now be taken further.
Parallel effin' universe, RAWK is. Either that or they're already loaded for tonight.
They should throw it out as the committee did not hear Gus Poyet's testimony ffs.
I believe the shred of hope they're clinging onto there is that it's possible, maybe, somehow, that Dalglish, Comolli and Kuyt ALL misunderstood Suarez when he spoke to them, in three seperate conversations conducted in three different languages.Suarez, Dalglish, Comolli & Kuyt all admit Suarez was insulting towards Evra & STILL Lfc fans continue to protest. I'd call that odd.
354. Mr Suarez sought to persuade us that when he used the word "negro" to speak to Mr Evra
he was acting in a conciliatory and friendly way, without intent to offend and in a way
that would not be seen as offensive in Uruguay. He also said that when he pinched Mr
Evra's skin he was trying to defuse the situation.
355. We rejected the evidence of Mr Suarez on these points. The pinching of the skin, and Mr
Suarez's admitted use of the word "negro" when speaking to Mr Evra, took place in the
context of heated exchanges between the players. Mr Suarez had fouled Mr Evra in the
58th minute. Mr Evra confronted Mr Suarez in the 63rd minute and complained forcefully
about the foul. Their facial expressions, gesturing and physical movement showed their
mutual animosity throughout these exchanges.
356. Mr Suarez's pinching of Mr Evra's skin was not an attempt to defuse the situation. On the
contrary, it was an attempt to aggravate Mr Evra and to inflame the situation. Mr Suarez's
admitted use of the word "negro" when speaking to Mr Evra was not conciliatory and
friendly. It was unfriendly and was used as part of Mr Suarez's attempt to wind up Mr
Evra. The whole tenor of the exchanges was confrontational and argumentative. Adopting
the words used by the Spanish language experts, Mr Suarez did not use "negro" with any
sense of rapport or in an attempt to create such rapport.
357. Not only did we reject this evidence of Mr Suarez, but we found it remarkable that he
sought to advance a case that was so clearly inconsistent with any sensible appreciation of
what happened. Even Mr McCormick accepted in his closing submissions that the
pinching could not reasonably be described as an attempt to defuse the situation. To
suggest otherwise, as Mr Suarez did, was unarguable. Mr Suarez's evidence on these
topics, which was shown to be flawed, profoundly undermined our confidence in the
reliability of his evidence.
Quote from: exiledintheusa on Today at 06:08:10 PM
I expect him to be fully cleared in a court of law.and then finacially ruin The FA, the press and the player who appears on the 'evidence' provided to have changed and made up alot of ****.
Ha Ha