Kopites lapping up the LFC statement on Suarez Ban. All so embarrassing & unprofessional of a major football club!!
- NOW it's been taken off their OS tho.
Lol you can picture them steaming in rage at their computers rallying the troops for the march at the next home game
Oh and Yaks just scored again ffs
Kopites lapping up the LFC statement on Suarez Ban. All so embarrassing & unprofessional of a major football club!!
PMSL at that.
The belters. They went all Rambo and then saw their arse.
Again, I doubt you're even laughing. It's still up too.
We would also like to know when the FA intend to charge Patrice Evra with making abusive remarks to an opponent after he admitted himself in his evidence to insulting Luis Suarez in Spanish in the most objectionable of terms. Luis, to his credit, actually told the FA he had not heard the insult.