What I wondered as well. Apparently, certain fatburning drugs can be used as masking agents for steroids or other drugs because the diuretic action can help flush the system or corrupt the usual tests.
Its because slimming drugs are often akin to amphetamines and have the same effect as 'speed' and crank everything up. Look at all the remarks passed about Sakho this season...overhyped up to hell..."what the hells he on ?" etc. The prescription of them was banned by most GPs in the 90s because of that and their effect on the metabolism and heart. Of course with Sakho, it depends on the angle and with what intelligence people are looking at it. Most of the thick, in denial RS naively go down the smokescreen route of "ffs....he only wanted to lose weight." Normal people will see it for what it is.... another sportsman on the wane attempting to enhance his performance via banned substances.