EFL Cup - Second Round Draw

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I say this every year and surely its just a matter of time.... but its time for this pointless competition to be binned. Even championship teams are fielding their reserves now in the earlier rounds.

Its a dated competition that means nothing and one I wouldn't care If Everton won as there is no real prestige in winning a competition that many teams are actively trying to get knocked out in so they don't have the hassle of it. Further to that you see the top teams suddenly take it serious when they get to the semi final stage and they get the weird privilege of playing 2 legs. So if you get Man City, good luck beating them over 2 games, ain't happening.

There are no real good games that people remember from this tournament or good footballing moments. I couldn't even name who the finalists were the last 5 seasons and frankly I couldn't care.

I get it would be good for Everton to win something, but not this, because what would it actually mean? That our second string is quite good against lower league opponents and we got a lucky draw in the later rounds? Because we aren't beating anyone good with our players. Yeah not for me thanks, bin it off now and it might bring a bit of magic back to the FA Cup.

It's a competition we appear to be jinxed in but it's a chance to end our long trophy drought, day out to Wembley and a place in Europe. That's hardly pointless.

Given we're hardly trophy monsters, I don't think we're in any position to be arrogant and try to look down our noses at it.

It was a run in this competition that kicked started our 80s glory years. Not saying that's going to happen again with this poor squad mind.
Its not though is it. So when we won the florida cup pre season tournament a few years ago were you raving about that?

A trophy is something that signifies winning a particular tournament. No one respects the efl Cup. If anything winning it would give them lot another reason to laugh at us if some of yous were out celebrating winning it. I know I wouldn't be. Its a has been trophy teams use for nurturing young players. Until the final

So what level of competition is suitable to you, so the kopites don't laugh at you for celebrating it?

World cup?
When teams like Man City want to win this competition we've got next to no chance. We should have gone all out for this when clubs like Cardiff, Swansea, Middlesbrough etc. were getting to finals.

Make no mistake it's our best chance to win something other than the European version that Wham won but we we've got the same chance of winning both this year, 0.00%.

More to the point it would just be good to progress a bit to get a little pride and try and get a few more cup games in at Goodison.
I think the ones wanting us to get knocked out quick would 1) be on here cry arseing straight after whatever team beat us and screaming for the managers head 2) in the unlikely event we made the final, be first in the queue for Wembley tickets and whinge like hell should they not get one.

I get staying up is number 1 priority, but a cup run helps build confidence amongst players and fans alike.

When teams like Man City want to win this competition we've got next to no chance. We should have gone all out for this when clubs like Cardiff, Swansea, Middlesbrough etc. were getting to finals.

Make no mistake it's our best chance to win something other than the European version that Wham won but we we've got the same chance of winning both this year, 0.00%.

More to the point it would just be good to progress a bit to get a little pride and try and get a few more cup games in at Goodison.
Think chances will increase from next season (24/25) when they change the Champions League format. At least two extra games for each team. City and Chelsea still have deep squad depth, but I think most of the others will struggle.
lot of posters turning up their nose but as many said it'll be a good chance to give the likes of Dobbin a start and the chance ofr a Goems to impress if still here.

That run we had in 20/21 was great. [Poor language removed] all else to do so it was boss having like 3 games on the spin early season and building up the feel good factor of winning games (remember that?)

Wins and goals in this competition at this early stage of the season can only be a good thing, even if we dont win it

I say this every year and surely its just a matter of time.... but its time for this pointless competition to be binned. Even championship teams are fielding their reserves now in the earlier rounds.
for me that just feeds into this idea that the Champions League and the Premier League top 4 is all that matters in football, and that the rest are only here to make up the numbers. Same for the disdain for the Europa League and Conference.

Honestly, if these competitions keep being taken away and/or losing their meaning, there is seriously no point in clubs like Everton existing.

Its like a propaganda campaign by the big teams to make everyone fall into line as making up the numbers. FFP and the idea that only the top teams matter are being lapped up by fans of us smaller clubs and I don't get it
Its not though is it. So when we won the florida cup pre season tournament a few years ago were you raving about that?

A trophy is something that signifies winning a particular tournament. No one respects the efl Cup. If anything winning it would give them lot another reason to laugh at us if some of yous were out celebrating winning it. I know I wouldn't be. Its a has been trophy teams use for nurturing young players. Until the final
For the 3 or 4 biggest teams in the country. If those teams and how they do things are all that matters (and they are the vast minority), why do we bother? We aren't and won't ever be like those teams
for me that just feeds into this idea that the Champions League and the Premier League top 4 is all that matters in football, and that the rest are only here to make up the numbers. Same for the disdain for the Europa League and Conference.

Honestly, if these competitions keep being taken away and/or losing their meaning, there is seriously no point in clubs like Everton existing.

Its like a propaganda campaign by the big teams to make everyone fall into line as making up the numbers. FFP and the idea that only the top teams matter are being lapped up by fans of us smaller clubs and I don't get it
You hit the nail on the head there is no point of everton existing in the current landscape of football. Its all rigged for a select group of clubs to be successful. Well done for realising.

And everton winning a meaningless trophy like the efl Cup and celebrating it would be the kind of acceptance to this hierarchy that would enable it to continue for the rest of existence.
A competition teams are trying to win for starters.

The premier league, europa league, champions league, fa Cup (to a certain degree)

While I agree we should be looking towards those competitions, the likelihood of us competing for them is slim ti none, fa Cup aside. seeing as the eflcup is a route into the europa for a team not likely to finish in the automatic qualifying, and the fact other teams don't prioritise the cup, it's without question our most viable route towards the competitions stated, also the confidence the squad would gain from the win, the relief the fanbase would largely gain. The extra lure of europa league for incoming players, it a platform not to be sniffed at for a club who have been fighting relegation fur the last couple of seasons. This is a competition we should go all out to win.
While I agree we should be looking towards those competitions, the likelihood of us competing for them is slim ti none, fa Cup aside. seeing as the eflcup is a route into the europa for a team not likely to finish in the automatic qualifying, and the fact other teams don't prioritise the cup, it's without question our most viable route towards the competitions stated, also the confidence the squad would gain from the win, the relief the fanbase would largely gain. The extra lure of europa league for incoming players, it a platform not to be sniffed at for a club who have been fighting relegation fur the last couple of seasons. This is a competition we should go all out to win.
Well forgive me for wanting us (a big club) to actually have some dignity. But I couldn't care less if we won the EFL cup its a joke.

Had we reappointed Moyes when we should have done about 5-7 years ago we would not be a team battling relegation. But the majority made it known they didn't want him. So instead they got there dream of nearly being relegated and now look at the state of the club. Actually wanting to win the EFL plastic club, its a joke competition. We should be way above that and frankly if we see winning that as a good thing then the club really is in a sorry state. The competition is a farce

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