Everton 1-2 Chelsea. Sun 30th Dec @ 13.30.

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Really unlucky not to be going into the break a goal or 2 ahead. More of the same in the 2nd half and I think we will see an Everton win

disappointed to concede that goal, played very well that half. Got to say thought Heitinga was at fault for the non existent marking. They are starting to get a hold in midfield more but still anybodies game this.
Heitinga and Jagielka both at fault. Heitinga should have been on Lampard and Jags should've given him the shout and at the very least covered him. Schoolboy stuff but let's blame Howard eh lads.
Poor defending for their goal, and Cech in inspired form to keep it to one for them. So unlucky with hitting the post, Osman's hit and Jelevic's effort on his left. On another day we'd have three goals already. Still believe we can win.

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