Everton and VAR

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Just seen the incident. Keane had eye on ball every second and clearly no attempt at any reckless challenge whatsoever. Also the reaction of the forward in pure simulation. I hope he gets piles for the rest of his life.
Keane was clearly not trying to foul him but there's a little contact and the rat's reaction made it seem worse. Giving soft, soft pens like that will turn football into a non-contact sport.
Keane was clearly not trying to foul him but there's a little contact and the rat's reaction made it seem worse. Giving soft, soft pens like that will turn football into a non-contact sport.
The melt couldn't have made it more obvious when interviewed that he was embarrassed at what he'd done and trotted out the party line of you win some you lose some. Asswipe.
VAR didn’t cost us points today. Our performance did.
Well actually it did today.

Brighton get a gift that shouldnt even have been debated.
Then they get lucky again in the 94th minute .....ironically in the time added on for the VAR pen decision.

Add to that Richarlison being wrestled in the box that VAR doesnt even look at.

I'm no fan of Silva and our away performances have been woeful.

But not today VAR has cost us Big Time today.
VAR has also cost me over £700 today
Had Everton in my accumulator
The only game to let me down

I know not to pick us normally but I really thought we’d get the win

I’m not against VAR either, but it needs to make sense.

Earlier in the game today there was a coming together with Richarlison and one of the Brighton defenders. Richarlison ended up on the floor and the defender kicked him in the side of the head as he stepped over him - not intentional at all. But, if Keane’s was a foul just by virtue of him having stepped on him by accident, then surely it’s a penalty if you kick someone in the head ?
What’s even more annoying is that we will never hear an explanation from the ref and the so called refs doing VAR, I mean wtf, they literally f’d that game up between them and we won’t hear a single thing about it from them, no wonder they are slated so much. Abysmal

Blaming var doesn't discount Silva bringing Sigurdsson on for Bernard and completely destroying our shape and press.
To be fair after last week you would have thought Gylfi would be busting a gut to impress. He played ok for 15 minutes then went completely missing 2nd half. I would have kept Iwobi on and subbed Siggardson again 2nd half
To be fair after last week you would have thought Gylfi would be busting a gut to impress. He played ok for 15 minutes then went completely missing 2nd half. I would have kept Iwobi on and subbed Siggardson again 2nd half
I was thinking the same he should have been all over the place , he was his usual self. Jogging around not a hair out of place .

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