Everton and VAR

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Imagine Brighton getting that penalty 2-1 down at Goodison

Oh and Lee Mason - the ref who couldn’t see Tchoyi almost decapitate Baines (ffs I saw it from FIFTY yards away - kicking your opponent in the neck several feet off the ground is pretty much unmissable - as is the severe screech of pain when assaulted) but this total dipstick ref couldn’t recognise his own parents in an identity parade.

VAR is excellent - it’s just the idiots managing it that aren’t.
No Premier League referee has yet to use the pitch side monitor, therefore it's quite clearly a directive they are following.
To be fair after last week you would have thought Gylfi would be busting a gut to impress. He played ok for 15 minutes then went completely missing 2nd half. I would have kept Iwobi on and subbed Siggardson again 2nd half
Exactly as I saw it and commented in the match thread.
I called this months ago. The so called big 6 will still benefit from VAR ( Very Average Referees ). No way would Mason give that penalty at Analfield, Old Trafford etc but it will be swept under the carpet as usual as we aren't one of the big boys anymore.
I've given up on football, I really have, its corrupt, as when you have so much money involved it's open to corruption and we witness it every week.
I called this months ago. The so called big 6 will still benefit from VAR ( Very Average Referees ). No way would Mason give that penalty at Analfield, Old Trafford etc but it will be swept under the carpet as usual as we aren't one of the big boys anymore.
I've given up on football, I really have, its corrupt, as when you have so much money involved it's open to corruption and we witness it every week.
The rules for bar set for bar is bad, but it is bad for all teams. That penalty would of been given for all teams.
Basically what has happened, is last week there was loads of talk in the media / MOTD etc, where pundits were saying since VARs introduction, there had been loads of instances where the ref should have been "over-ruled" and penalties probably should have been given, but they hadn't, and it was pointless having VAR if the VAR studio were not prepared to go against the on-field ref.

So the referees association has got together and said "look lads, this week, if there's a contentious decision, we'll get VAR to give a penalty so people think we're actually doing something.

The trouble is, the penalty they decide to do this with is one that isn't even a fraction as obvious as compared to loads that have been ignored since the start of the season. And it happens (surprise surprise), to be against us.

If they can't use the technology properly (which they blatantly can't!), they just need to bin VAR now. It's making a bigger mockery out of the state of officiating in England than it already was before it was introduced.

Var is great in theory but in practice it's just another mechanism by which the Sky clubs can control the agenda of the game. I wouldn't be surprised if there is club by club guidance floating around as never would that decision today have gone against the [Poor language removed] or City.

We need to start getting someone in or around the room where the VAR decision making is happening. Dunc might be just the man for that job.
Basically what has happened, is last week there was loads of talk in the media / MOTD etc, where pundits were saying since VARs introduction, there had been loads of instances where the ref should have been "over-ruled" and penalties probably should have been given, but they hadn't, and it was pointless having VAR if the VAR studio were not prepared to go against the on-field ref.

So the referees association has got together and said "look lads, this week, if there's a contentious decision, we'll get VAR to give a penalty so people think we're actually doing something.

The trouble is, the penalty they decide to do this with is one that isn't even a fraction as obvious as compared to loads that have been ignored since the start of the season. And it happens (surprise surprise), to be against us.

If they can't use the technology properly (which they blatantly can't!), they just need to bin VAR now. It's making a bigger mockery out of the state of officiating in England than it already was before it was introduced.
He stepped full on his foot
I called this months ago. The so called big 6 will still benefit from VAR ( Very Average Referees ). No way would Mason give that penalty at Analfield, Old Trafford etc but it will be swept under the carpet as usual as we aren't one of the big boys anymore.
I've given up on football, I really have, its corrupt, as when you have so much money involved it's open to corruption and we witness it every week.
Corrupt is the correct word, I wouldn’t be surprised if it actually is, the games a mess and it’s being officiated by the old boys club, it’s abysmal

Tin foil hat time but here me out....
Take the obvious RS bias in the media and the pressure they put on refs and the fa etc, we also happen to be their local rival...
Add in the fact we're a big enough name to take notice of but not big enough to cause any upset....
Are we not the ideal team for them to make an example of?
Maybe it's just our luck but it does fell like we get a higher than average amount of these dodgy calls/bad luck moments
MOTD were pretty unanimous in saying it was a wrong decision. They showed a similar incident (foot on foot) from Man City v Bournemouth which wasn't given, which was actually even worse than today's because it was a challenge whereas Keane wasn't challenging for the ball. There was no intent from Keane and that somehow was a pen and the other wasn't.

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