Player Valuation: £150m
In the excitement of it all, I dont think anyone appreciated that Everton on the day were left to present this project to the world when so many other parties stand to benefit from it. The esk is right to flag that up. It certainly didn't occur to me.Despite some of the things said about him in another thread yesterday and previously, our former poster, @The Esk , has penned the following article following the events and unveilings of last Thursday evening, and is happy for me to share it with GOT.
I'd ask/suggest that everyone park their (in some cases rather jaundiced) opinions on Esk and read the article for what it says and the questions it raises.
Time for others to commit alongside Everton to Bramley-Moore & the regeneration of North Liverpool
Everton displayed great leadership with the Bramley-Moore stadium event last week. Time for all other interested parties to provide essential support.theesk.org
So what of the whereabouts of other major agencies in the city who should have endorsed the plans Everton's revealed? They were conspicuous by their absence. There seems to be tepid civic support for this project all told. Apart from Anderson when he was still proffering his loan deal, there's been little backing. What's their share they'll commit to investing in the city's future?
On reflection, I do find all that alarming.
And if Everton have to do the heavy lifting, he's right also to ask 'where is the expertise on the Everton board'.
I mean, these questions are fundamental for the stadium project and they need answering. It's no good denouncing the person posing good questions and running away from the logistics and politics of BMD. Neither is it helpful to simply throw arms up in the air and dismiss the potential for being isolated by implying Everton Father Christmas Usmanov has 'got this'.
The esk is asking grown up questions here and they need answering.