People need to stop with this surety over Moyes and transfers. His best work was years and years ago, I mean we've just mocked our outgoing manager for seeking the advice of the sage Gary Birtles.
Moyes' record at West Ham was mixed (yes there were still some cracking players in there) but plenty of duff ones too. We missed out on good players in the past because of his love for fart-arsing around and West Ham fans found this too and called him Dithering Davey, just as we did.
We desperately need pace and goals, if we can't bring in goals as they can be hard to find, we need pace to open teams up. Moyes of course should have his say on transfers and his eye is better than a lot of managers, but he is not a DoF and the game has changed. Every club has access to the databases and scouting, you have to move quickly if you want a player. Big clubs have 50 odd players on their books these days just to take away options from smaller clubs etc. The market is too competitive to be dithering.
Where I have some faith in Moyes, and he should have faith in himself, is that if we sign some raw players, he can coach them to be better.