I know the reality is that it will probably come down to filthy lucre and we will be prepared to hold our noses at a less savoury source once the coffers benefit.
However, as an old Evertonian who knows his history, I think that we should try to avoid promotion of gambling. Yes, the founding fathers would also have frowned at Chang (although it is a very nice logo on the eye), and I would certainly have preferred a sponsor that our kids could wear on their shirts.
Personally, I would definitely not buy a jersey that proclaimed the name of a gambling outfit or a "legal" loan shark company.
Reality of the modern multi million pounds soccer world will win the day, but is it too much to ask that our Board remembers the roots of this club before making a decision.
Everton FC has shown its excellent concerns for the community and is rightly lauded as leading the way in this regard. I don't want to see us trudge off in an easy money/grab whatever is the best on offer, and never mind the source too much.
Everton FC and its supporters are NOT the same as others.