Lads it makes me wonder. Why now to start? What were we doing the past 20 years?
We are passive as a fan base. We view anything OTT as Kopite basically - like flag waving and marches.
And to be honest, in a way... I'm glad about that.
Thing is though, there has to be a line where a broadly sensible fan base like ours basically say enough is enough. The only thing that could rile us up in my view is if a large amount of fans felt they were getting the pee taken out of them by the board, and that is exactly the case IMO.
I think we have a board that shut up shop a long time ago and hoped to get away with minimal investment for a long time for the big return, or a constant trickle of profit. And sorry, as tinfoil hat as this sounds, I honestly believe something very dodgy is going on behind the scenes too. The lack of investment can be explained away largely by the board just doing enough to keep us at a certain level, but those accounts have looked fishy to me for a long time just from a common sense perspective.
Unless we're spending £10 a toilet roll something is wrong.