Everton Summer 2024 Transfer Thread

He did, but also his predictions were also way off IIRC. Broken clock is right twice a day and all - if you doompost for years at least something will come true at some point.

Everyone knew we were skint when he was also saying we're skint is what I mean, it wasn't some sort of mystery - we had AGMs and all showing barely any profits, kept doing utterly nonsensical and weak marketing and sponsorship deals and partnerships, it was fairly obvious we're skint.

He claimed there were no Russian ties and we'll be fine, along many other things that were just flat untrue.

No doubt a good and very knowledgeable financier/economist, but you have to point out the mistakes, you know? There's also a classic saying about economists and financial crisis/recession predictions that fits well here - "economists have successfully predicted 9 out of the last 4 recessions".

Any time he had to use his own judgement other than verifiable numbers, he got it wrong. It's why ultimately he crashed and burned big time with his comical itk year which ultimately led to him reinventing himself as an Everton expert on social media.

The nature of who owned us I tine and again tried to show him in private chats exactly why it wasn't Moshiri and he would never budge even an inch on any point made. Arrogant and ultimately very blind.

Btw his financial stuff appears better than it is also, I had a student in his final year of economics look over all available financial data near two years ago and he said the club's financially [Poor language removed]. Took him.about 15 minutes to come to that conclusion too.
You can no longer search his name on here.

But hes spent the last 10 years+ chatting complete and utter wham and people wanna praise him cos he "called 777 correct".

Not for me.

I will refrain from voicing my full opinion of him, but needless to say the man is a self-serving enemy of this football club.

Yeah agreed.

Also PSR "shifted" relatively recently - it was also known we're toeing the line, hence no signings or no big wages etc. for years, we just let go also "recently".

Again, not knocking the person or how knowledgeable he is for financial matters, he seems like a good bloke and a great Evertonian and I'm aware several people on here know him personally - he maybe piped up when he shouldn't have, or was maybe too adamant on some things being true when they were dubious half-truths at best. That's my 2p worth anyway.

I called 777 correct too, can I have multiple thousand followers and a subscription podcast?

It always amazes me just how much he annoyed people!

It always amazes me just how much he annoyed people!
I think it's mostly cuz of the sway he has - a lot of people for would eat up what he said and parrot it as truth but it was anything but when the cards were down, which is annoying and honestly kind of doomposting as he only talks about negatives hah

Either way, what @Goat said really sums it up.

No he didn’t, he said he would not outright buy the club as people were saying at the time, and he didn’t!
This article first appeared on Grandoldteam on 17th August 2016.

Much has been said and written about Usmanov and the chances of him investing in Everton alongside his business partner Moshiri.

Now don’t get me wrong, I’ll be delighted to see him do so, but there are reasons why I don’t believe he will, and there are significant practical problems to be overcome for him to do so.

For the financial year 2019-20, at least £42 million of Everton's £64 million sponsorship receipts came from USM Holdings (the company in which Usmanov holds a 49 per cent stake) alone.
He also said years ago that Usmanov had nothing to do with the club.
He also said Usmanov would never sell his shares in Arsenal and that his shares there would ultimately be passed to his family as they’re all Arsenal fans. He also said that if by some miracle, he did sell them, he’d never in a million years sell them to Kroenke. Literally a few weeks later Usmanov sold his shares in Arsenal to Stan Kroenke. Esk doesn’t like to talk about it though so don’t mention it to him..

Oh don’t forget also the classic “Silva is NOT being sacked today despite the reports this morning”, a few hours before it was revealed that Silva had official been relieved of his duties.

He then fumed that he wasn’t “consulted” on the matter.

He’s a complete and utter crank.

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