Everton Summer transfers 2021

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a RB is the priority - a winger (if its Diaz) would be welcome but a striker is not going to start most games, so right from the off we are always going to be getting someone like King / Rondon etc, so given that I'd much rather we just used Simms there (at least until January)
Not sure he's expected back until October sometime. Same with Tosun. We're left with 1 striker and Richy as backup who himself will need replacing if he covers for Dom.

I agree RB is a priority but I think it's at least matched by a new striker/wideman now Keane looks as though he's gone.

It's also now a priority to replace James/Siggy if we're going to be able to change things up against teams that park the bus. Be interesting how we do against Burnley next week. Our style is great for counter attacking teams. Not sure how effective it is breaking teams down.
You can’t have what you can’t afford. It’s a pretty simple calculation
Sometimes opportunities arise that you cant afford to let pass. If theres money for a lw or a maupay theres money for a deal for these 2 when theyre going so cheap. Itll save us a ton of money in the long run. Even creative accounting from our accountant owner - these players wont be available so cheap ever again.
Rondon should only get a year long contract if he is joining us, or perhaps a loan from Dalian if it could be arranged. If he didn't like that we should swerve.

Not sure he's expected back until October sometime. Same with Tosun. We're left with 1 striker and Richy as backup who himself will need replacing if he covers for Dom.

I agree RB is a priority but I think it's at least matched by a new striker/wideman now Keane looks as though he's gone.

It's also now a priority to replace James/Siggy if we're going to be able to change things up against teams that park the bus. Be interesting how we do against Burnley next week. Our style is great for counter attacking teams. Not sure how effective it is breaking teams down.

I think we will be pleasantly surprised, hopefully.
Sometimes opportunities arise that you cant afford to let pass. If theres money for a lw or a maupay theres money for a deal for these 2 when theyre going so cheap. Itll save us a ton of money in the long run. Even creative accounting from our accountant owner - these players wont be available so cheap ever again.
£15-20m each? They may be bargains, but we have to sell first. That is the issue.

The only potential sale I can send is Richarlison and if he leaves, we will have to put a substantial sum into a replacement.

Listen if you'd have said to me in the summer Grey and Townsend would be coming in and they would both instantly have an impact on the team I'd have laughed at you.

Maybe it better to reserve judgement on players till they are in and playing in our system, because lords knows there is alot of people eating their words on here at the minute.
To be honest shopping in the bargain bin is somewhere I feel EFC work better. It’s why worryingly I’d almost be ok with Dan James on loan with an option to buy.
£15-20m each? They may be bargains, but we have to sell first. That is the issue.

The only potential sale I can send is Richarlison and if he leaves, we will have to put a substantial sum into a replacement.
Ive no idea how our finances are really, whos going, how much we can spend. Barca really need to sell, theyve let go most of their b team to cut pennies of their books - im sure our accountaant owner could sort something - we could even insert buy backs with barca if we could take them on loan with obligation to buy before june 29.Allows both of us to shift around numbers. These 2 for under €50m we should be moving mountains to get in.
Looks like Kean has landed in Torino and is about to sign with Juve in loan with a transfer obligation agreed if certain conditions are met. So who do we get in as a replacement? I imagine it's going to be someone who we don't have to pay a fee for, possibly on loan. Or Rondon has been mentioned again. Apparently his team in China are happy to cancel his contract as they would like him off the wage bill so I think those links will intensify this week

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