Everton Summer transfers 2021

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Listen if you'd have said to me in the summer Grey and Townsend would be coming in and they would both instantly have an impact on the team I'd have laughed at you.

Maybe it better to reserve judgement on players till they are in and playing in our system, because lords knows there is alot of people eating their words on here at the minute.
They have started well, Gray especially, and I have acknowledged that so far I've been proved wrong and I'll be delighted if that continues.

But please don't start crowing about it. Bernie, Gomes, Walcott all started well for us as did Iwobi and Tosun to a lesser extent. Even that French right back we had on loan for a season started ok.

For once let's just enjoy them when they're playing well and forget about bragging rights. Long may the good form continue
Would be a really weird signing Doherty.

Just because he's not really a right-back.

He's a wing-back and a good one, but as a right-back he's really not great. Isn't a good crosser of the ball, hasn't really got any pace.

It's weird to say because as a wing-back he's very good, but that's because he's pushed further up the pitch so pace isn't really an issue.
Was a great fantasy league player before he went to Spurs due to the number of goals he scored.

They have started well, Gray especially, and I have acknowledged that so far I've been proved wrong and I'll be delighted if that continues.

But please don't start crowing about it. Bernie, Gomes, Walcott all started well for us as did Iwobi and Tosun to a lesser extent. Even that French right back we had on loan for a season started ok.

For once let's just enjoy them when they're playing well and forget about bragging rights. Long may the good form continue
Am not crowing, am more making the point we're to quick to judge.

Am not crowing, am more making the point we're to quick to judge.
But equally you're quick to judge them a success. The names I listed are proof that you need to be patient. They've started great, as have the team, but that isn't a reason to welcome the potential in comings of players like Rondon and Longstaff which is what you were suggesting
To be honest shopping in the bargain bin is somewhere I feel EFC work better. It’s why worryingly I’d almost be ok with Dan James on loan with an option to buy.

I think this summer with the financial restraints we just need numbers who can offer some form of quality.

Would love Diaz but Dan James on loan wouldn't be a disaster all things considered.

Would rather Martial though if it were a loan signing from Utd think he needs a fresh start somewhere to reignite his career - if Benitez could get into the moody looking sods head and have him buckle down he has the ability and physical attributes to do a good job.
Patterson apparently self-isolating, so nothing to see here.

Wonder if it's even possible for us to sign him if this is the case?

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