He's only 30 lad fgs. Barry's been our best player this year and he's 35.
Past his best, yes, but the level he's at now would still have a very good impact on our younger players.
You can't question his attitude either, that's ridiculous. One thing he does have is his dedication to carry on playing. He has never at all had an athletic shape. Heck, he's in better shape now than he was when he came through with us.
Your talking about turning down a potential opportunity to sign a player that has won all their is to win at United, broke the goal-scoring recored for England, and who I think many believe (based on Dunc's testimonial and the fact of his own testimonial being against us) would still love to be back here and would thrive.
Let's put it this way:
Would you like Eto'o back?
There is no other reason to take Rooney over someone like Eto'o, Van Persie etc. other than "eez a blew!" They're all past their best. Move on.