Yep - you're right. Bob was on the railings against West Ham.
Interesting thing though the 1977 League cup final. It may be the largest domestic attendance for a British final...found this article...
Three games, three cities, 330 minutes and 205,000 fans: the 1977 League Cup between Everton and Aston Villa broke all the records
''The experience of watching the League Cup final of 1977 can never be repeated. It took over a month to settle the tie, with three games in three different cities. It is still the longest ever domestic cup final, lasting a total of 330 minutes. The aggregate attendance was 205,000 – a record for any English game and yielded over £500,000 in gate receipts, the equivalent of £3.3m today''.
Another example of us snatching despair with victory in sight. Supposed to be character building eh?